Sitemap - 2016 - Michael Swartz
monoblogue music: 2016's top 5
2016: a monoblogue year in review
Programming notes, a book update, and bleg
Wishes for a Merry Christmas 2016
The era of Trump is set to begin
Can there be reconciliation between "Deplorables" and the pure of heart? More thoughts.
Eight is far less than enough: a postmortem, part four (and last)
A rally for a better way of life
monoblogue music: "A Little More Country" by Michael Van and the Movers
The Shorebird of the Week Hall of Fame Class of 2016
Can there be reconciliation between "Deplorables" and the pure of heart?
Advice for the next MDGOP leader
In the department of "okay, so..."
Sitting right next to square one: a postmortem, part three
monoblogue music: "Minnesota" by Glenn Meling
Thoughts on Trump: a postmortem, part two
Closing the loop: a postmortem, part one
America needs to use more energy, not less
Regarding Delaware statewide races
monoblogue music: "The Last Remaining Payphone in L.A." by Logan Metz
Haiti needs electricity. Hillary gives them a sweatshop (and her foundation gets a new donor)
Regarding the Delaware Congressional race
Regarding Maryland's U.S. Senate race
monoblogue music: "The Miller Girl" by Steve Hussey and Jake Eddy
Regarding the First District Congressional race
Earning my presidential vote: intangibles and the endorsement
Earning my presidential vote: role of government
Earning my presidential vote: entitlements
monoblogue music: "Quiet Hours" by Electra Day
Earning my presidential vote: foreign policy
Earning my presidential vote: immigration
Earning my presidential vote: taxation
Earning my presidential vote: trade and job creation
Earning my presidential vote: social issues
Earning my presidential vote: energy
WikiLeaks: Hillary’s conflicted comments on fracking
Earning my presidential vote: Second Amendment
Earning my presidential vote: education
Earning my presidential vote (redux)
monoblogue music: "Introversions" by Sluka
Decision America Tour 2016 with Franklin Graham
OPEC agrees to a production decrease, prices increase - but could be just right
Earning my presidential vote (part 1)
Some quick impressions on Trump's bimbo eruption
monoblogue music: "The Songs" by Jim Peterik
Striking down Obama’s climate legacy has its day in court
monoblogue music: "Ride The River" by Jess Wayne
Thoughts on Ted Cruz and his endorsement of Donald Trump
Blame for Ford’s Mexico move falls on Obama administration
Book review: Friends of the Wigwam: A Civil War Story by John William Huelskamp
A day to honor great, Divinely-inspired wisdom
Picks and pans from a Shorebird fan - 2016 edition
Despite claims to the contrary, science says fracking not causing increased earthquakes
A contrast in styles: thoughts on the Delaware primary election
Shorebird of the Year - a 2016 season wrapup
The right idea but with the wrong approach
Shorebird of the Week - September 1, 2016
A new international example for bad energy policy
A position of power for Andy Harris?
Shorebird of the Week - August 25, 2016
The totalitarian religion of peace?
From fracking to flatulence: the all-out assault on methane
Immigration: the downstream problems
Shorebird of the Week - August 18, 2016
Woe unto them that call evil good: a frank discussion about life issues and the party platforms
The few, the loud, the anti-fossil fuel crowd
Shorebird of the Week - August 11, 2016
The pipeline’s approved. Environmentalists are angry.
The first post-GOP teaching moment
Shorebird of the Week - August 4, 2016
The Renewable Fuel Standard: “set up for fraud”
Compare and contrast: government vs. the private sector
Shorebird of the Week - July 28, 2016
Weekend of local rock volume 70
Shorebird of the Week - July 21, 2016
Art of the Deal: how Donald Trump negotiated his nomination (part 4 of 4)
40th annual Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in pictures and text
Art of the Deal: how Donald Trump negotiated his nomination (part 3 of 4)
Art of the Deal: how Donald Trump negotiated his nomination (part 2 of 4)
Art of the Deal: how Donald Trump negotiated his nomination (part 1 of 4)
Trump: making America’s energy policy cheaper, faster, and better
The case against Trump (part 2)
Shorebird of the Week - July 14, 2016
The case against Trump (part 1)
El Niño, La Niña and natural gas
It may be time for some changes.
Shorebird of the Week - July 7, 2016
May free speech reign and scientific inquiry prevail
Can Salisbury be Hockeytown south?
Shorebird of the Week - June 30, 2016
Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al
Weekend of local rock volume 69
monoblogue music: "Big World Abide: The Best of Eric Anders" by Eric Anders
Splitting up or making a stronger whole
Shorebird of the Week - June 23, 2016
Obama’s green energy plans kill jobs, hurt consumers, and cost taxpayers
Under a new name, the same old ruse
2016 Salisbury Shore Craft Beer Festival in pictures and text
Happy Father's Day to all the dads
Weekend of local rock volume 68
More hidden costs of climate compliance
Shorebird of the Week - June 16, 2016
monoblogue music: "Time Slow Down" by Tod Hughes
The seduction of good intentions
Shorebird of the Week - June 9, 2016
Finally, courage to counterpunch the green bullies
Announcing: the 2016 monoblogue Accountability Project
Harris weighs in on transgender issue
The conservative's conundrum (revised and extended)
Shorebird of the Week - June 2, 2016
Another climate alarmist’s predictions don’t match real-world data
A weekend to remember, 2016 edition
Libertarians select two ex-Republicans
Shorebird of the Week - May 26, 2016
Fixing the folly of food for fuel?
A different sort of accountability
A somewhat surprising endorsement
Shorebird of the Week - May 19, 2016
Is the green’s “Daddy Warbucks” helping the planet or himself?
Election analysis: how did the slates fare?
2016 Maryland GOP Spring Convention in pictures and text (part 2)
2016 Maryland GOP Spring Convention in pictures and text (part 1)
A foolish idea gets a bill anyway
Shorebird of the Week - May 12, 2016
The battle now turns on fundraising
More online media bites the dust
Musings on yesterday's National Day of Prayer
Shorebird of the Week - May 5, 2016
What’s up with prices at the pump and why it could be a good sign
Is it really "Trump Republicans" that made the difference?
The Primary 2016 postmortem, part 2
Shorebird of the Week - April 28, 2016
The Primary 2016 postmortem, part 1
On climate, we’re manipulated by sleight of hand
Pork in the Park 2016 in pictures and text
Beginning a pro-life tradition
Shorebird of the Week - April 21, 2016
How to lose a Congressional race in one speech
Earth Day’s anti-fossil fuel focus could plunge millions into green energy poverty
monoblogue music: "Stealin' Thunder" by The Magic Lightnin' Boys
Shorebird of the Week - April 14, 2016
Maryland's presidential campaign intensifies
The "establishment" is slow to learn; Senate Republicans pushing for more #GreenPork
An open letter to Erick Erickson
The culture of death strikes again
More impressions about the Maryland U.S. Senate GOP primary
Shorebird of the Week - April 7, 2016
WaPo poll: one big leader in GOP race
Rooftop solar companies will only play if the game is stacked in their favor
Impressions on Maryland's U.S. Senate GOP primary
Building mosques to establish dominion
Some Maryland GOP inside baseball that could lead to an interesting race
Rounding third and heading for home
The developing world wants natural gas and electricity, Hillary Clinton sends cookstoves
A passionate endorsement of Szeliga
Islam: A totalitarian ideology spreading destruction globally
monoblogue music: "Once In A Blue Moon" by Robert Nix
Trying to make winners out of losers
Taking a break - from talk radio
Playing chicken with local industry
An annual tradition, at least until the right to life is respected
Immigration: where are the Cinderella Men?
monoblogue music: "Dynamite Bouquet" by Guy Grogan
"Green" - the status symbol the affluent can afford that costs the poor
A reversal of our possible fortune
Another tribute to greed and power
Some thoughts on tomorrow's election
monoblogue music: "The Wild" (single) by Paul Maged
Ehrlich brings book tour to Salisbury
Both parties are fractured, but on energy, each is unified
Report: immigrant share outstripping population growth
Small bits of good news in evil times
Explaining the partisan difference
Pricing themselves out of the market?
Time for a Cruz/Rubio unity ticket
When the reports are greatly exaggerated
Christie embraces Trump for president
What is The Donald's attraction?
Mounting frustration in some quarters
Another step toward an elected Wicomico Board of Education
Andy Harris endorses Ben Carson: too little too late?
Senate candidate Wallace speaks before Somerset audience
Draft our daughters: political correctness strikes again
Out to build a state (and a nation)
Christie and Carly call it a campaign
How to break free from PC groupthink
So who will be the "none at all?"
Opportunities and training wheels
Helpful aid to democracy, or invitation to fraud?
A tale of due diligence (with a lack of cooperation)
Conservatives against Trump (and his hucksters)
Immigration: "The issue is never the issue."
Weekend of local rock volume 67
The last hurrah of the Boomers?
Immigration: the concern about security
Phone polls, show votes, and truth
The quality of Salisbury's life
Hanging on the fringes but straddling the center
monoblogue music: "New American Century" by Midwest Soul Xchange