Part of the exodus
On Labor Day I normally post on something union-related, but today I have a different sort of union to ponder: the union between conservative activists and the Republican Party.
Among the items on my Facebook feed this morning was one from Dwight Patel, who is one of the financial movers and shakers in the Maryland Republican Party (note: I have transcribed these as written, grammatical/spelling errors and all):
If you are an elected Republican Central Committee member and you can't bring yourself to Vote for our Parties (sic) nominee... Go resign
After the shouts of "Preach!" and "Word!" in response was this from Eugene Craig, who is the 3rd Vice-Chair of the MDGOP:
Elected members of the central committee were elected to build the GOP not tear it down with blind gang like loyalty to open racism. That is not the party of Reagan and Lincoln and I will protect every RCC member rights to do what's best to build their local party and vote their conscience.
So Patel responded:
Eugene out (sic) bylaws speak of this... Hence many people have resigned over trump... It was the right thing to do... And you need not further the lefts talking points by calling Donald trump a racist.
Dwight went on to explain that Trump was among his bottom choices and he gave maximum or sizeable donations to others. I can vouch for the fact that Dwight is a significant donor - the resident of Montgomery County bought two tables for our Lincoln Day Dinner last year and brought several people across the bridge. It's likely he will do so again this year.
As you likely know, I am one of the "many people (who) have resigned over trump." I didn't have to in accordance with the bylaws, but I chose to anyway. Simply put, as one who is conservative before Republican I could not back a man who I saw as detrimental to the conservative cause, in part because I found him lacking in trustworthiness and principle. Having no way of knowing just how many people have resigned over Trump as compared to regular turnover, though, I don't know what sort of trend we have here. But it's highly likely that most of those who have left over Trump are those who were on the conservative side of the Republican party - people I call the "principle over party" wing as opposed to the "party over everything" wing. (And then you have those caught in the middle based on the fear of a Hillary Clinton administration, which seems to be descriptive of Patel. I suspect they would be sorely disappointed with the lack of positive change that would come from a Trump administration - just more of the status quo of ever-expanding government but with the "Republican" imprimatur on it.)
But in speaking to Craig's point about "build(ing) their local party," the sad fact is that 64.6% of those voters in Wicomico County who showed up voted for Trump over a more Constitutional conservative choice in Ted Cruz and a more moderate choice in John Kasich. Perhaps if Maryland had voted earlier in the process many within the 64.6% would have backed other conservatives in the race but we will never know - I just have to deal with the data at hand, and to me it proved that our county voters may be the "party over everything" group. If that's true, then many of my efforts in educating local voters have been for naught.
I will admit that Trump seems to be getting his campaign going in a better direction, and even with the possible pitfalls of the Trump University trial and allegations of financial ties to Russian and Chinese backers those pale in comparison to the headaches Hillary Clinton is dealing with as the e-mail and Clinton Foundation scandals - along with the rumors of serious health issues with which Hillary is afflicted - smolder in the background despite being ignored by the partisan media. And the other day I concocted a scenario in playing with an Electoral College map where Trump had a path to victory if he can make up just five points on Clinton in certain states. (Part of that involves getting Gary Johnson into the debates, which I support. Let Jill Stein come along and participate, too.)
But, to use an overused phrase, in terms of the conservative movement a Trump presidency would still be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Moreover, his base has been variously described as "nationalist populist" or "alt-right" while those who oppose those ideas are dismissed as "cuckservative." I reject that description: I think I stand on the real conservative ground here based on my body of work - it's you guys who need to get off the idea of using government to get even with your opponents. That makes you no better than liberals.
In this case I am not an unbiased observer, but the number in Maryland and around the country that have resigned from party-level positions based on Trump securing the nomination on a plurality of the vote - with some unknown number of Democrats switching over to goose the process for nefarious reasons - is less important than the conservative balance they brought to the Republican Party. Because of certain tasks I was generally given, I could not bear the idea of publicly having to show support for Donald Trump so I opted out.
I have read on many occasions that the Republican Party will soon go the way of the Whig Party, but the circumstances have changed significantly since the mid-19th century as Republicans and Democrats cooperated to make ballot access difficult, if not impossible, for other parties to secure. (The same goes for the Presidential debates, which are controlled a commission made up primarily by members of the two parties. It's why people like me, who have some degree of agreement with the Libertarian and Constitution parties, stayed as Republicans - the others can't win on a state and national level.) If the Republican Party ceased to be, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the power-hungry Democrats take the opportunity to lock the process entirely. So it's gut-wrenching to see the GOP self-destruct, but there's the possibility this may occur.
The conservative fight has to go on, though. Like many of the others who left over Trump, I may just need some time to figure out my role.