It may be time for some changes.
This is a hard post to write, but I think it's necessary to be forthright to my readers and followers. So here goes.
I just looked up some numbers and since 2007, with the exception of a few months in 2009 when my world was turned upside down and inside out in a number of ways, I have posted on this site practically every day. In fact, there were a number of months around election time when I was manic and averaged almost two a day. Somewhere along the line I made the commitment to myself to post every day because I was told, in order for a blog to succeed, it needs fresh content on a regular basis.
The original intention in adding Cathy Keim and Marita Noon to the mix was to supplement the content and hopefully bring the average back to about 10 posts a week. Now I know why Cathy has been missing from these pages and I have no issue with this - she is definitely still valued and when the opportunity presents itself again on her end I look forward to a lot more content from her. By that same token, I enjoy being among the first to read and share Marita's valuable opinion. It's not going anywhere, either, and I will try and keep it on its normal Tuesday slot.
But there comes a time when you decide the effort isn't being rewarded enough. It simply could be I'm not taking the time to promote and market my site properly, or it could have a lot to do with my overall disillusionment with all things political.
However, the solution could be as simple as realizing I'm overdoing it.
I don't think my posts show the time of day they were put up, but quite often I have written something quickly over the last two hours of the day, between 10 p.m. and midnight. And the reason for this practice was that I didn't want to miss days. I have had the attitude for the longest time that I owe it to my readers to have that calendar on my site filled each day, and whether the content is really that good or not started not to matter so long as the date was checked off.
But at long last I've come to the conclusion that this attitude isn't fair to my readers and supporters. So with a simple relocation of a widget I don't have a calendar on my site anymore, and I won't be a slave to it. In fact it would have had a blank space for yesterday because I decided on the fly as I wrote this last night this was a better post for Sunday.
I guess this whole thought process started when I decided this would be the last year for Shorebird of the Week because I couldn't do it as well as I thought it deserved to be by only going to about 15 to 20 games a season. (Looking at my folder that I put my photos in, I see that just past the halfway point I have been to only eight games so far this year.) But while SotW has become a little more of a chore than I wanted it to be, I still enjoy updating my Shorebird of the Week tracker and doing the Hall of Fame post each year. That will be enough to amuse me after I wrap up the week-to-week challenge of selecting a Shorebird of the Week when I go months without seeing certain players.
And then there's the political reporting. I used to be at all of the events and meetings with my notebook and camera, but since the demise of the local TEA Party and several associated groups there's not nearly as much to report. There's also the fact that my work schedule is not as flexible as it once was, so I have to miss events - one example was the Kathy Szeliga announcement tour Cathy covered for me. (She also helped me out when a Second Amendment event coincided with my honeymoon.)
I have also realized, though, that I am much closer to the end of my active political career than I am to the beginning. With the prospect for certain changes on the homefront thanks to where Kim and I both work...well, let's just say that I won't be returning as the WCRC secretary after my current term is up and leave it at that for now. (They already knew this when I took the job this year, though.)
Once you take all these things in combination, I have come to the conclusion that less can be more and quality should outweigh quantity. So the idea going forward would be to do fewer items but ones that carry more weight, which hopefully will allow me the freedom to write the second book that's been on my mind awhile and work on other issues like my health. Waking up in the middle of the night wondering if you are having a heart attack isn't fun - luckily, it was symptoms more associated with walking pneumonia.
Will it affect readership? Maybe, but I figure I'm down to the most loyal fans anyway at this point. And they react the most and best to the pieces I take the time to write from the heart rather than just reaction to a press release or someone else's work. So I don't think they will go anywhere and will still stop by fairly often.
But if I come home from an event or meeting at 10:00 at night now I won't feel obligated to write something that bores me just to fill the space by midnight. I think of it as addition by subtraction, and the change will do me good. I appreciate your support as I make the site better.