An annual tradition, at least until the right to life is respected
Cathy sent this along to me. I'll have to see how my calendar looks for that day.
On April 23, #ProtestPP will conduct the first annual nationwide protest at Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide, to be held on the 4th Saturday of April every year until the abortion chain no longer preys upon our communities.
We’ll call on Congress and the States to cut off all government funding to Planned Parenthood and bring charges against all those responsible for the horrific baby parts scandal. And we’ll demand that all charges against undercover journalist David Daleiden be dropped.
Join us April 23, 2016, from 9 to 11am at the Easton Planned Parenthood, 8579 Commerce Drive #102, Easton, MD 21601. (Emphasis mine.)
So we'll see how upset the neighboring pediatrician becomes and how many police officers are sent to make sure the rowdy anti-abortion protestors don't get out of hand, as happened last August.
Those who are deeply into the pro-life movement know that each January there is a protest in Washington, D.C. on the anniversary of the botched Roe v. Wade decision, which still stands after 43 years. (Sometimes, though, the SCOTUS reverses itself slowly - witness the 58 year period between Plessy v. Ferguson and the Brown v. Board of Education decision.) But a January protest often attracts less attention because, to be quite honest, fewer people want to stand out in the cold to participate. Summer soldiers, sunshine patriots, and all that.
April is a better month in the respect that it comes in the season of Easter, which symbolizes Christ's victory over death. It's a good time to advocate for victory over needless death to the unborn. Yet I hope and pray this is a tradition that's short-lived because the Supreme Court gets a case which allows it to overturn Roe v. Wade - returning the question to the venues where it belongs (each individual state) and the federal spigot of funds to Planned Parenthood is permanently shut off.
A good turnout is essential, so spread the word.