Harris weighs in on transgender issue
In a letter to local school superintendents within his district, Congressman Andy Harris urged those officials to maintain the stance of respecting the privacy of those who use gender-specific facilities:
I realize the tenuous position the Departments of Education (DOE) and Justice have put you in through the "guidance" provided in their letter, dated 13th of May, to school districts. I urge you to continue to respect a student's right to privacy - including girls that do not wish to undress in the presence of biological males or whose parents feel likewise. Please know the Obama Administration will not have the last word on this issue.
(T)he Obama Administration sent the May 13th letter to school districts across the country containing "guidance" that would require all public schools to accommodate students using restrooms of their choice regardless of their biological gender. Violation of this "guidance" is, of course, under the implicit threat of withholding of federal funds and/or legal action by the DOJ. On this issue, I believe the Administration is misinterpreting federal civil rights law, and violating state's rights. There is no statutory authority for this "guidance." (Emphasis in original.)
Although he's not a lawyer, Harris goes on to cite a pair of court cases that are already underway to reinforce his belief that school systems have nothing to worry about insofar as federal funding goes. And he may be correct on this point, as it will likely be months (if not years) until this winds its way through federal courts - in the meantime it's a safe bet that most school districts will cave on this and further blur the lines between genders, all to cater to perhaps one or two students in a 1,000 student school who are truly suffering from gender dysphoria as opposed to the couple dozen who may be doing so as a rebellion against authority or to get their jollies. I thought we were supposed to celebrate differences, so what is wrong with the one or two in question having respect for their peers and using a unisex restroom as available? I suspect most kids in a school would know the situation of the student in question.
The next question, though, is when this will come down to the state level and, more importantly, when it will be impressed on Christian schools (such as the one Kim's daughter attends) that these accommodations need to be made? It's already becoming fair game for just anyone to use her restroom, such as at Target.
Of course, I have heard the argument that a truly transgendered person would be indistinguishable from their opposite sex in mannerisms and it's likely they are already using the restroom of the gender they identify with. Fortunately, modern restroom design would either provide that a guy who identifies as a woman uses a stall (because a women's room is all stalls) or that a girl that identifies as a guy uses the stalls available in the men's room because they can't use a standard urinal.
I think the issue is more in the realm of locker and changing rooms where it can become obvious that the biological equipment is different, and it presents an uncomfortable experience for both sides. So what is wrong with the right to privacy, particularly since the Left thinks it applies to a woman's body in other situations?
The simple truth is no matter what surgery you subject yourself to or how many hormones you take, 99.99% of us are either male or female. (There is a very tiny group that is intersex or has a degree of those characteristics, perhaps 1 in every 2,000 births.) You simply can't change the fact you are XX or XY at birth and it doesn't matter whether you feel more feminine on some days - guys, stay out of the girls' locker room. The policy in place for many, many years worked for a reason - because it was logical and respected obvious differences.
Hopefully Harris is correct about the federal government's impotency, but that doesn't mean school administrators will do the right thing as illustrated above.