Programming notes, a book update, and bleg
To allocate a word from the hapless "Married With Children" character Al Bundy regarding the mouse in his house, this week is the deadest. It's a week news outlets fill with year in review items and for me it will be no different as I sandwich my single-part look at things to watch in 2017 between my monoblogue year in review Thursday and the top 5 list of the albums I reviewed on Saturday. Now I won't go as far as the blog expert who suggested that bloggers need not come back until mid-January, but unless the creek rises there's no real need to write a deep thought piece here this week.
So I'm saving the deep thought for my book, which is now past the 10,000 word barrier in its initial draft. Overall, I would like to cover the subject in about 80 to 100 thousand words, which is at least half again as long as So We May Breathe Free was (and remember, this is all original.) I also have a couple more books on my list to acquire and read.
One thing I have done is put together a rudimentary, somewhat under construction social media page for the book. As I get farther along I will be adding more features to it, and perhaps create another outlet. After doing a book all by myself, this time I have some idea of what to avoid for round two.
And finally, I learned this morning The Patriot Post has someone willing to match donations as their year-end campaign reaches its final week. I added to my total for the year to keep them going, so if you enjoy reading it as much as I like writing there, perhaps you should consider a donation too. It's a valuable outlet for news and informative perspective from a pro-liberty, pro-faith traditional point of view.
I told you Saturday I'd be back Monday, and so I have been. I just didn't promise the longest of pieces.