Can there be reconciliation between "Deplorables" and the pure of heart?
By Cathy Keim
Congratulations to Michael for eleven years of monoblogue! I am truly in awe of his ability to write on a variety of topics while working fulltime, writing for other venues, and squeezing in some time with his family.
I have been missing in action due to other responsibilities, but I hope to jump back in occasionally to comment on events now that my calendar has cleared a bit.
Today’s topic that got me fired up is the two-pronged attack on the "deplorables" of America.
First, Chip and Joanna Gaines of reality TV fame with their popular show Fixer Upper are under siege for attending a church where the pastor preaches the Bible!
My guess is that Chip and Joanna will do just fine, no matter what the totalitarian progressives throw at them. I think that they will count the cost and then pay the price to continue serving Christ as they see fit even if it means losing their TV show.
On an individual level, we are all called to follow God first. However, I do not believe that this means that persecuting the Gaines family for their religious beliefs should be ignored by the rest of us. Indeed, the progressive bullies will only up their assault on Christians if they get away with this power play.
Since we live in a republic and as citizens have the right to help shape our public policies, then it is our duty to speak up for just and equitable treatment of all. There is no evidence that the Chip and Joanna Gaines have been unjust to anybody.
The second attack on normal Americans is the insult that anybody that didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton must be a racist hater. The Clinton campaign staff accused the Trump campaign staff of winning by appealing to racists while they participated in a "Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics discussion that was intended to record history by drawing out the internal deliberations of both campaigns."
One example of the bitterness, as expressed by Clinton advisers Jennifer Palmieri and Karen Finney to Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and adviser David Bossie:
"Are you going look me in the face and say I provided a platform for white supremacists?" Kellyanne Conway asked incredulously. Both Palmieri and Finney nodded and said "yes."
"I would rather lose than win the way you did," Palmieri said.
"You guys are pathetic," Trump adviser David Bossie replied, accusing them of a smear campaign against Bannon.
(Editor's note: Bossie is also the National Committeeman for Maryland's Republican Party.)
I understand that many of the progressives have so imbibed their own poison that they really do believe that most of America is inhabited by racist white people. It was completely shocking to hear one of the Bernie Sanders' campaign staffers, Symone Sanders, share that the Trump voters longed for the days of slavery to return when they say, "Make America Great Again!"
This is the hard part to comprehend. About half of our nation really and truly believes that the other half is composed of horrible, morally corrupt people that long for white supremacy to rule the country. One can only hope that this continued outrageous shouting of racism will lose it power over the populace when no internment camps pop up.
The Left always wants to divide us. They do not see individual people, but only cogs in a wheel to be manipulated by the government for the good of all (which actually means for the good of the elite.) This is the direct opposite to how our Founding Fathers viewed the people of the United States: the people were to be in control of the government.
The rise of the TEA Party was a response to the out of control government. People were motivated by the sheer volume of government excesses to work to stop them.
The spiraling federal debt, the collapse of the housing market, the takeover of health care, the overregulation of businesses, and a myriad of other governmental excesses led people to stand up and say no more! While the eight-year reign of executive overreach by President Obama seemed to say that the TEA Party was impotent, it actually led to the collapse of the Democrat party.
President Obama set the tone for persecuting Americans that didn’t agree with his policies. The IRS abused its power by going after opponents of Obama. The IRS denied tax exempt status to conservative groups and audited opponents of the Obama administration. The Justice Department refused to prosecute voter intimidation charges in Philadelphia because the accused were black. The government picked winners and losers in the corporate world by giving huge loans to Solyndra only to see them go belly up. The message was clear: you will be rewarded if you do what the government wants and you will be punished if you don't.
It is terrifying to have your government come after you for not supporting the desired policies. Take the case of Roger Pielke Jr., a professor whose research on climate change crossed the politically correct gospel of climate change. Pielke has been harassed by an assortment of left wing groups funded by billionaires, by politicians, and finally by the president’s science advisor, John Holdren, after Pielke’s testimony before Congress didn’t support Mr. Holdren’s testimony.
Mr. Holdren followed up by posting a strange essay, of nearly 3,000 words, on the White House website under the heading, "An Analysis of Statements by Roger Pielke Jr.," where it remains today.
This is stunning that a private citizen who engages in the public forum in his area of expertise should be pilloried by the White House. Fortunately for Pielke - who notes that he indeed believes in anthropogenic climate change, but doesn't think the evidence is there to support the theory that it has increased the amount or intensity of catastrophic weather events - he has tenure and the backing of his university. Not all citizens are so lucky.
We should not be seeing Americans as black or Hispanic or white. We should not be calling each other climate deniers, deplorables, and white supremacists without any evidence to back the claim. We should be viewing all Americans as people created in the image of God with unalienable rights given by God, not by the government.
The progressives’ effort to delegitimize everyone who doesn’t believe exactly as they do will not end well for this country. They are so sure that their hearts are pure, but at the same time they are absolutely convinced that the rest of us are black-hearted scum that do not deserve to live. It is hard to see a path to reconciliation for the country when the opposition is that entrenched in their own reality.
I think that I feel pity for the people that are trapped in the world of their own making that is now imploding around them. They didn’t see it coming. All that they have been taught and have heard in their echo chambers of the media, academia, and popular culture has melted away on election night. My pity is tempered by the realization that they are still quite dangerous and that they consider me and my Christian faith to be contemptible.
May God have mercy on our country and bring healing to us because I do not see any other way to mend the rifts between our citizens.