The case against Trump (part 1)
If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm one of those Republicans who occupies the #NeverTrump camp.
Before I go any further, let me explain some basic math to you: 0+0 = 0. My not voting for Trump does not add one to Hillary Clinton's column because I'm not voting for her, either. By the theory some on the Trump bandwagon are using to criticize #NeverTrump, my not voting for Hillary should add one to his total. But it won't. I will vote for someone who I feel is the most qualified on the ballot, rather than the lesser of two searing-hot evils.
This election was supposed to be the repudiation of the Obama big-government, strongly executive agenda. Unfortunately, unless the GOP comes to its senses next week, frees the delegates, and comes up with a good conservative candidate, they will sink like the Titanic in November.
But I don't come by my distaste for Trump lightly. While he has some redeeming qualities that could conceivably come into play on the slim chance he's elected, there is the sense in my mind that he takes the ideal of limited government and wrests it from the domain of the GOP, leaving both major parties as two sides of the same worthless coin.
It's likely you recall that I based my original endorsement (of Bobby Jindal, who is backing Trump but has been quiet about it) on the field's positions on ten items, with a sliding scale of importance assigned to each:
Second Amendment
Social Issues
Trade and job creation
Foreign Policy
Role of Government
So I went back and reminded myself. To avoid this being overly long, I'm doing the first five in this part with part 2 hosting the second half.
On education, Trump claims to be for local control and against Common Core, which is an orthodox Republican view. But even though he would "cut it way, way, way down" he doesn't support the complete elimination of the Department of Education. He does have a good point in reversing the trend toward the government being a student loan lender, pushing it back to the banks and other lending institutions where it traditionally rested.
The problem with his approach is that it doesn't go far enough. Other candidates vowed to finish the job Ronald Reagan vowed to start by eliminating the Department of Education. To me, the federal government has no place on education - states and localities should set standards and run their school systems as they see fit. But any attempt to wean local school districts off the crack of federal funding will be met with howls of protest and Trump fails to impress me as someone who will follow through with these promises. After all, Trump did say education was one of the top three functions of government. “The government can lead it, but it should be privately done." I'm confused, too.
Trump seems to be a Second Amendment guy as he did get the NRA endorsement. But the chairman of Gun Owners of America was not as quick to praise The Donald based on his past statements. And again, the idea is not just to enforce the laws on the books but get rid of some of the most egregious, let alone get to "shall not be infringed." But wouldn't someone who is on the no-fly list in error be having their rights infringed? This observer asks the question.
And then we have the subject of energy. Now Trump went to North Dakota - a major oil producing state - and promoted his "America First" energy plan. In it, he promised "Any regulation that is outdated, unnecessary, bad for workers, or contrary to the national interest will be scrapped." But when he was in Iowa campaigning a few months earlier he threw his support behind a wasteful ethanol subsidy and carveout. So which is it? And would he allow Sarah Palin to sunset the Department of Energy?
On to social issues: Trump says he is pro-life and would defund Planned Parenthood, but how will he restore a "culture of life"? We don't have that specific. Nor will be stand against the troubling idea of leaving people free to use the bathroom they feel like using - this despite claiming gay marriage should be left to the states - or is it the "law of the land"? (By that same token, so is abortion as it was based on a SCOTUS decision, too.)
So do you get the idea so far that I trust him about as far as I can throw him based on mixed messages and inconsistent policies? Once again, the idea here in the upcoming term was to reverse the tide of bigger, more intrusive government - but I don't detect the same sort of impetus from Trump that I received from the candidates I favored. And to me, what would make America great again is for us to return to being good - at least in terms of re-adopting the Judeo-Christian values we've gotten away from after ousting God from the public square. I don't see "Two Corinthians" but three marriages Trump as being a spiritual leader in the manner of a Reagan or George W. Bush, even insofar as being decent human beings.
And lastly for this evening, I'd like to talk about Trump on trade and job creation. Since history isn't taught well, we tend to believe the Great Depression was the end result of the 1929 stock market crash. But there's a convincing argument made that rural America took the biggest hit thanks to the effects of the Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930. Granted, the world is a lot different and more interconnected now, but American farmers produce a lot of exports (as do chicken growers locally, as the products in demand overseas complement nicely with what we consume here.) Certainly a renegotiation of our current and proposed trade pacts is in order, but would Trump walk away from the table or just angle for any deal? And would he be against Trade Promotion Authority like he was as a candidate when he's the president negotiating the pact? I doubt it.
And given the amount of union rank-and-file backing he seems to have, it's no wonder he hasn't come out more strongly for right-to-work laws, barely mentioning it during the campaign.
To many, Trump's views on these subjects are on the outside of the range that's acceptable to the standard GOP. And are they to the right of Hillary Clinton? For the most part, yes - but that assumes that he's a man of his word and his business dealings suggest otherwise.
So in part 2 I will discuss the more important five issues on my scaling system, and this is where Trump really begins to sound like Hillary.