To allocate a word from the hapless "Married With Children" character Al Bundy regarding the mouse in his house, this week is the deadest. It's a week news outlets fill with year in review items and for me it will be no different as I sandwich my single-part look at things to watch in 2017 between my monoblogue year in review Thursday and the top 5 list of the albums I reviewed on Saturday. Now I won't go as far as the blog expert who suggested that bloggers need not come back until mid-January, but unless the creek rises there's no real need to write a deep thought piece here this week.
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Programming notes, a book update, and bleg
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To allocate a word from the hapless "Married With Children" character Al Bundy regarding the mouse in his house, this week is the deadest. It's a week news outlets fill with year in review items and for me it will be no different as I sandwich my single-part look at things to watch in 2017 between my monoblogue year in review Thursday and the top 5 list of the albums I reviewed on Saturday. Now I won't go as far as the blog expert who suggested that bloggers need not come back until mid-January, but unless the creek rises there's no real need to write a deep thought piece here this week.