Great summation. Some other facts about Joe Biden that were somehow white washed:

Stole the words from a British politician. The media actually called him out and he quit running for president

In 1965 while a student at Syracuse Law School, Biden plagiarized five pages from a law review journal.

In 2000, Biden plagerized in an article for Harvard Journal on Legislation. (Harvard covered it up when discovered.)

A pathological liar:

Grew up with Puerto Ricans, blacks, martians,

Uncle Bosie got eaten by cannibals.

Lied during Trump debate about laptop saying 51 security yahoos said it was fake.

I think his most despicable lie was a drunk truck driver killed his wife and daughter in 1972. The actual report said his wife ran a stop sign as was broadsided. The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, WAS NOT even drinking! Killing his wife and daughter through no fault of his own haunted the poor guy the rest of his life. He died in 1999. In 2008, his daughter retold the story and demanded an apology on behalf of the family. Maybe lawsuit was threatened? Anyway, IT TOOK BIDEN TILL 2009 TO APOLOGIZE!

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Yet Delaware was dumb enough to elect him ten times - seven as Senator, two as VP, and once for President (although those who actually went to the polls narrowly picked Trump. Biden won on the mail-in votes.) When he was on the ballot twice in 2008 (Senate seat and VP) he won twice.

I refused to participate in that charade, so he was 0-for-1 with me.

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Are you familiar with the song by Arlo Guthrie "Alice's Restaurant"? When we vacationed at Cape Cod, we got to see Arlo in this tent arena there. There is a part where he tells murderers and rapists he got arrested for littering and they moved away from him on the bench. For entirely different reasons as we know, I picture them putting Biden on Mt.Rushmore and all the rest of the Presidents moving away..😂

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