In my recent post, "The battle is joined" I noted that one of the things on my "to do" list was to call both of my state delegates, Bennett Bozman and Norman Conway. Last Friday, I did so. While I still haven't heard from Delegate Bozman or his office, I heard quickly from Delegate Conway. He was very polite and listened to the points and arguments I made to help convince him to vote in the right manner.
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Hearing from the other side
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In my recent post, "The battle is joined" I noted that one of the things on my "to do" list was to call both of my state delegates, Bennett Bozman and Norman Conway. Last Friday, I did so. While I still haven't heard from Delegate Bozman or his office, I heard quickly from Delegate Conway. He was very polite and listened to the points and arguments I made to help convince him to vote in the right manner.