As part of my TEA Party +15 celebration I am serializing my 2019 book The Rise and Fall of the TEA Party. Today is the 15th anniversary of the TEA Party, which began February 27, 2009.
Great book. Thanks Michael. Somebody said it has to get bad enough for people to feel it and then change will happen. That a majority of Americans in both major parties agree we have to build a wall and shut down illegal immigration is a good example. A new book on work that I can't recall the author or title observed Millenials did not want to work but Gen Z are willing to work to get what they want. Another good example.
At any right, it going to be "interesting" here in America heading toward this 2024 election.
Thanks to you for reading (and maybe buying since I've noticed a couple copies have sold.)
That was a fun 2 1/2 years doing the research, writing, and "meeting" some the people who started the TEA Party. Not those who eventually became grifters, but those who never stopped being local activists.
Great book. Thanks Michael. Somebody said it has to get bad enough for people to feel it and then change will happen. That a majority of Americans in both major parties agree we have to build a wall and shut down illegal immigration is a good example. A new book on work that I can't recall the author or title observed Millenials did not want to work but Gen Z are willing to work to get what they want. Another good example.
At any right, it going to be "interesting" here in America heading toward this 2024 election.
Thanks to you for reading (and maybe buying since I've noticed a couple copies have sold.)
That was a fun 2 1/2 years doing the research, writing, and "meeting" some the people who started the TEA Party. Not those who eventually became grifters, but those who never stopped being local activists.