Would a Lamb be slaughtered here?
Until a bridge collapsed in Miami, the main news item drawing attention was Democrat Conor Lamb's upset win over Republican Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District. Since I was assigned to write about Lamb's victory in The Patriot Post this week, it got me to pondering if the Democrats' bold local pronouncements about "flipping the First" are realistic.
So let's begin with a little history. I'm working from my faulty memory here but I thought I read that the 18th was an R+11 district. According to our the latest voter registration numbers by district (which were just prior to the 2016 election, so perhaps a bit out of date) the First District was about R+9.5 or so. But where Trump won by 22 points in the 18th, he won by nearly 29 points in Maryland's First. Thus, the question is whether those Democrats who "stayed home" and stuck with their party in Pennsylvania would do so here, or will they abandon the Democrat Party once again. (Case in point: while Democrats have always held a voter registration advantage over the GOP in Wicomico County, it hasn't voted for a Democrat for governor or President since 1986.)
In doing my research, I found seven major "priorities" Lamb was running on:
The heroin crisis (and props to him for spelling "heroin" correctly, with one "e")
Jobs and infrastructure
Affordable health care
Protecting Medicare and Social Security
Student loans
Union issues
Modern energy development
Here's some of what he had to say for each:
On heroin:
We need to invest in prevention. We need to expand access to treatment and rehabilitation. And we need to crack down on the people who are fueling and profiting from this crisis. There are drug dealers on the street, in doctors’ offices, and in drug company boardrooms, and we need to pass legislation that guarantees every one of them will face justice for their crimes.
So in a nutshell, more federal money thrown at the problem and tougher drug laws.
For infrastructure, Lamb wants "a serious bill big enough to match the urgency of the situation," with "investments" in job training that he claims companies want to have done through public schools and community colleges. He also wants companies to hire their trainees with "full-time, family-supporting jobs."
On health care:
I believe that every American has a right to go see a doctor when they're sick, and that means every American has a right to health insurance they can afford...I'll work with anyone from either party who wants to help people with pre-existing conditions, improve the quality of care, and reduce premiums, out-of-pocket costs, and prescription drug prices.
In other words, Obamacare isn't the problem.
Conor also goes after that old "third rail" of politics, making the shopworn claim that Republicans are out to gut entitlements and solemnly vowing to protect Medicare and Social Security. If only Republicans would actually threaten them.
I will give Lamb a little credit for this one, no pun intended:
We need to allow people to refinance their student loans, just as we do for corporations and credit card holders. And I believe we should let people pay at least some portion of their student loans with pre-tax dollars.
He also gets into the idea of paying them back through serving in underserved areas - think of the old TV series "Northern Exposure" and its plot of having a New York doctor practice in rural Alaska to pay off student loans.
With his district being heavily union, Lamb is a proponent of their causes. That's a key difference between his district and ours, which is not infested much by Big Labor.
The other big difference:
I support robust and responsible energy development. Natural gas extraction is creating and supporting a lot of good, middle-class jobs in our region, and I want more of those jobs for our people.
Yes it is; unfortunately, we have a governor who foolishly and short-sightedly took the option off the table in our state.
That, then, is the (somewhat oversimplified) baseline for local Democrats. There are a total of six on the ballot but only four have FEC accounts (Michael Brown and Erik Lane do not - this is a shame because Lane is the one who's claiming to be the "conservative Democrat" but he's not set up the FEC account - which most likely means he has little to no money. I'm sorry but you can't win an election without some money.)
Out of the other four, as of the end of last year, the cash on hand was as follows:
Jesse Colvin - $186,101
Steve Worton - $99,630 (most of which he loaned)
Michael Pullen - $33,433 (he owes himself over $55,000)
Allison Galbraith - $32,465
Just by comparison, Andy Harris is sitting on over $1.1 million. We pretty much know where he stands on issues as Harris tends to hew to the GOP line and it's paid off: in three re-election campaigns since being elected in 2010 Andy has averaged 67% of the vote, which was the mark he hit in 2016.
So if we do the "Lamb test" for each of the four remaining candidates, let's see how they stack up. Women and children first, we start with my sparring partner Allison Galbraith and her "priorities." You get the sense after reading them that Galbraith would fail the Lamb test by being several steps to his left.
And then you have Michael Pullen, whose website plays heavily on his name by announcing he's "Pullen for..." various policy items to occur. I read through them and was fascinated: by making Galbraith look centrist by comparison, Pullen truly flunks the Lamb test.
Steve Worton stakes out a number of positions on his key issues with a good, old-fashioned "trifold." He's closer to Lamb than the other two, but I believe that title will go to our next competitor.
If you look at the background and profile,, Jesse Colvin is very similar to Conor Lamb: just swap out military branches. He comes out of Democratic Central Casting: a war veteran who spouts more or less center-left talking points. (He and Lamb even have a scarily similar website setup.)
I think that if the powers-that-be in the Democrat Party had their choice it would come down to either Colvin or Galbraith. (They certainly wouldn't want the conservative guy, who may well be the most appealing to district Democrats but has no money.) Colvin has a young family he can use as props (like Frank Kratovil did to some extent) but so does Galbraith and she's not afraid to use them. But compared to Colvin she's vastly underfunded.
Being three months out a lot can (and will) happen, and the race is tough to handicap because there are so many competing interests: Galbraith is the only woman in the race, but Pullen is the only major contender from the parochial Eastern Shore. If people hear about the conservative Democrat Erik Lane he may steal some votes from the more centrist Worton, who can ill afford to lose them.
But the bigger question is whether any of them can beat Andy Harris. Unlike the PA-18 race, which was an open seat, Harris is an incumbent that people seem to like well enough. Once June rolls around we will see how well the local Democrats embrace their choice.