Wishes for a Merry Christmas 2010
As I have done for several years now I’m taking Christmas Day off from posting, so this is my Christmas wish to the world here on Christmas Eve.
Last weekend we had an interesting experience, as the three of us strolled through the Walk Through Bethlehem that Lynnhaven Baptist Church in Pocomoke City performs. Obviously the church is using this unique method to share its interpretation of Christ's birth and thousands of people have made this an annual tradition.
But what struck me in the diorama were those playing the Roman soldiers and government officials; remember, the story of Christ's birth centers around the demand that Roman inhabitants return to the city of their birth for census and tax collection.
I don't think the acting was that far off when government soldiers and tax collectors portrayed themselves in the presentation as rude, arrogant, and all-powerful. They harassed and bullied the people who were just trying to live their lives and comply to that which the government ordered.
Yet in the midst of chaos, a miracle occurred.
While I tend to look at things through the political lens, there are things that transcend politics and human nature is one of them. It was only through divine inspiration that this nation was founded, and while we pay homage to America on a number of occasions during the year we only pause to celebrate Jesus' birth once.
Truly we should be thankful for the freedoms we have and make sure that those who serve us in government don't fill the role of arrogance and lust for power and wealth exhibited by the Romans. But let's not forget the reason for the season.
As has also become tradition, I leave you once again with my friends from Semiblind and their rendition of the Christmas classic 'O Holy Night'.
Merry Christmas.