Who can deliver a message?
Now that I've posed the question about whether a pro-liberty message can play in Maryland, the logical follow-up is who will be able to deliver it?
Of course, the most obvious answer is the Maryland Republican Party. Many activists question its ability to pack a political punch given their lack of success over the last hundred years, yet on the other hand there is no paucity of groups out there trying to wield influence within the party.
At the risk of creating a long and boring list, here are just some of the groups and individuals trying to become players within and surrounding the MDGOP:
Obviously, the current party leadership.
Elected officials who carry the GOP banner at the state level.
Various county Central Committees, some more than others.
The Maryland Young Republicans.
Hundreds of sub-groups which fall under the category of local Republican clubs, such as the Wicomico County Republican Club.
Americans for Prosperity - Maryland.
Campaign for Liberty and its various local branches.
Change Maryland.
Conservative Victory PAC.
Constitutional Conservatives for Maryland.
Help Save Maryland.
Maryland Center-Right Coalition.
Maryland Conservative Action Network.
Maryland Liberty PAC.
Maryland Right to Life.
Maryland Society of Patriots (plus its local chapters).
New Day Maryland.
Protect Marriage Maryland.
And that's just a small sampling of groups I'm aware of. Some exert more toward their goals than others, and obviously some work exclusively on their pet issues. At times these groups manage to row in opposite directions, leaving a void the other side exploits.
It's interesting that the port side has its coalitions which don't always get along well - for example, the argument over the Keystone XL pipeline pitted Radical Green against Big Labor. In the end, though, both of those groups pretty much stayed with the leftist side even as Big Labor didn't get what it wanted. (There were other areas in which they did, which makes a difference.) Yet they didn't take their ball and go home when the chips were down, unlike, say, those who supported a certain Republican candidate in the primary.
Of course, conservatism can't make the same guarantees liberals do because to the Left keeping a promise is as easy as slicing off a little piece of the government pie for those groups which clamor the loudest at the particular time. Even though the conservative aim is generally one of smaller, more limited government, there are some groups within the list I described above which would like more government in certain areas. These most generally are the advocates for social issues, such as abortion foes who want a Right to Life Amendment in the Constitution.
Those who push for social conservatism, though, are usually the targets of the circular firing squad for which Republicans are famous. "If it weren't for those hayseed Bible-thumpers who want to end abortion we would win elections," cry those in the Republican establishment; meanwhile, they forget that those voters provided a huge portion of the overall vote. That perception is amplified in the mainstream media which tarred and feathered Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock over comments they made about rape, as if this duo actually supported the raping of women. But it sure played well into the whole false "War on Women" narrative the other side got away with, didn't it?
If we want to deliver the true narrative that enhanced freedom leads to greater personal and societal prosperity, we have to find messengers to do so. That leads to a conundrum because, remember, the Republican Party is chock full of disparate groups and many of them like the Bush 43 idea of "compassionate" big-government conservatism. But the record of third parties is less than abysmal and once the GOP became entrenched in the two-party system they, along with the Democrats, rewrote the rules in order to keep the spoils for themselves. Generally it's that factor, not necessarily the lack of popularity of their respective platforms, which keeps groups like the Constitution, Libertarian, or even Green parties from ever getting more than a tiny percentage of the vote. Naturally it's also the job of those in the major parties to state the case that a third-party vote is a wasted one. On that point I reluctantly have to agree.
While I have friends and relatives who are dyed-in-the-wool Libertarians, the political reality we face is that we exist in a two-party system. My goal in both joining the GOP as an activist member and (later) writing this website was, as I've said before, pushing this country in the RIGHT direction. I may not like every candidate we nominate, and there have been a few occasions where I felt I had to skip the office on the ballot or vote for someone like Ross Perot (which I did.) But the vast majority of the time I figure that advancing the ball, even a little, is better than losing more ground. Sometimes I'm disappointed because there's not even the smallest smidgen of progress in the next term but generally I can comfort myself with knowing at least the trend isn't going the other way. I may not have liked Bob Ehrlich or Mitt Romney much, but they were certainly better than Martin O'Malley or Barack Obama.
But that still doesn't solve the problem of finding a good group of messengers to spread the gospel of how limited government benefits us all in Maryland - in that respect we have a whole lot of work to do. Hopefully in the next few months the conservative movement will get a chance to do some vetting of the leaders who will bring us success in future elections. I look forward to the challenge.