Weekend of local rock volume 22
Can you believe I've now done 22 of these? And I'm nowhere near done...as long as I have my camera and the desire to check out local music whenever I can, you'll keep getting these posts.
Last weekend I was at Skip Dixxon's 7th Annual Spring Luau, which features a total of 17 bands (thus, 17 pictures in the post). Most of them came from the immediate Delmarva area but some made the trek southeast from the Baltimore region. If you're fortunate enough to use Internet Explorer you'll get the captions on the pictures; if not the performers will be (in order of appearance) Paul Lewis, Jason Lee, Woodstock Nation, Johnny Suit and the Nice Ties, Aaron Howell Band, Zion Reggae Band, Phantom Limbs, the Improv Fill-In Band, Blake Haley Band, Electric Company, Semiblind, Lower Class Citizens, lower case blues, Skitzo Calypso, Betty Ford Dropouts, Agent 99, and the Niki Barr Band. Why I don't get the captions on Firefox I don't know, but I don't.
So there you have it. 17 bands in about 10 hours, which made for a very restful Sunday because I needed it.
I believe the next multi-band show is April 18, the delmarvanightlife.com 42-0 party. Problem is there's also a Battle of the Bands scheduled at Pork in the Park that night (hosted by 96 Rock) and I can't be two places at once! Because all or part of both shows are slated to be outdoors, that may be a memorable weekend of local rock - we'll have to see.