WCRC meeting - November 2014
Now that the election is in the rearview mirror, the Wicomico County Republican Club moved off its campaign mode and began working on next year's agenda. Among the items of business were establishing a nominations committee and elections committee for next year's crop of officers, which will be different in several positions, as well as finalizing arrangements for the club's Christmas Party December 7.
But for the first time in several months we had a guest speaker, even though he was a familiar face to a lot of us. Carl Anderton reviewed his campaign and put forth a few of the items he was looking to achieve in relatively brief remarks before the gathering this evening. Fondly recalling that he had made his intentions known to the WCRC in June of 2013, Carl thanked all those who helped, particularly the crew which knocked on thousands of doors in the district.
It wasn't easy, though. A campaign that was "hitting its stride" after an early October debate at the Chamber "had to start all over" after a mailing came out depicting Norm Conway as a masked criminal. (Anderton revealed his wasn't the only district so targeted; a Cecil County race had a similar mailing.) But the local GOP team overcame that obstacle, and once results from two key precincts were known Anderton realized he was over the top. But that "shellshocked" feeling you may have noticed on Election Night was genuine - Carl was "incredibly blessed and overwhelmed" about this "opportunity of a lifetime."
There will be work to do in Annapolis, though. Carl sarcastically noted he was "excited about the going-away present" of hundreds of millions of dollars in budget shortfalls, particularly since the FY2016 budget is mainly being created by Martin O'Malley. But the important thing to Carl is to "bring back the quality of life on the Eastern Shore."
Asked about the prospect of an elected school board, Carl said he "absolutely" supports it, and received some pointers from current legislators on how to bring it to fruition.
We also got to hear a little bit from incoming County Executive Bob Culver, who will be sworn in next Tuesday. Culver revealed that we would have a special guest at the ceremony in Governor-elect Larry Hogan.
Bob also noted that he was hard at work already, addressing some changes he'd like to make to Rick Pollitt's last bond request. He also talked about an elected school board, calling on a new vote from the incoming County Council to back it.
Yet cleaning up county government isn't the only thing which will change. The physical office of the County Executive would also undergo some renovations to update the look to be more appropriate for a county on the rise. And if you're worried about taxpayer expense, don't be because Culver added he'd be footing the bill for the new carpet and paint.
Newly-appointed county GOP Chair Mark McIver called his election "a humbling experience," adding he was "psyched and excited" to take over the party. One of the first orders of business for the new committee, though, will be helping to select a Wicomico County Board of Education member to replace Larry Dodd, who will become the new District 3 Council member. McIver thought it would be a good goal to create a pool of interested Republicans from which we could appoint members to appropriate entities for their interests. "I want to hear from the Republicans in Wicomico County," McIver concluded.
But basically once we finalized some plans for the Christmas Party and heard a comment about the "excellent job" the executive board did in allocating contributions to various candidates, we were through, It was a meeting which came in under an hour, but a lot got done in that time span.
The next time we formally meet will be January 26, 2015. Obviously the speaker is to be determined.