WCRC meeting - July 2011
It was a smaller-than-usual turnout, but those who came were treated to interesting information from Wicomico County State's Attorney Matt Maciarello - not all of which I'm at liberty to share.
Of course, we did the usual Lord's Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, and reports, but much of the meeting was devoted to Matt reviewing his accomplishments over the first several months of his term. He also was pleased with yesterday's Daily Times article which "shows lawyers in a good light."
Among his accomplishments was improving communication and collaboration with law enforcement. When he took over there were "gangs running amok" and 13 homicides left over from 2010, but his approach of "zero tolerance" and a "Top 25" prosecution list seems to be lowering the crime rate somewhat. Realizing that a small percentage of criminals commit much of the crime, Matt also said he strives for longer sentences and higher bail for certain criminals.
But Maciarello is always asking officers on the beat, "what can we do better for you?" He related the thought that, "when we screw up, people suffer." That extends to his efforts in the community as well, where he encouraged us to "mentor a child."
Other accomplishments he cited were cleaning up a "disorganized" budget by cost-cutting and working on their own website along with picking up "low morale" in the office - Matt noted he'd hired the first Hispanic attorney and first woman assistant DA in county history.
Matt had an interesting observation on the local blogosphere when he said "the bloggers were bullying Davis Ruark" into giving them scoops on events. He solved that problem by posting press releases to their website first, guaranteeing access for anyone interested. Being a blogger myself, that insight was most interesting and refreshing.
He then opened up the meeting for questions.
The first asked if more criminals were from out of town, since ECI is so close. Regretfully more are homegrown, said Matt, citing the poor home life some have to endure. He would rather engage in prevention and intervention rather than prosecution, but sometimes that was a choice made by the criminal.
On time served, Matt chided Maryland for not being "truthful in sentencing." So there were techniques Matt's office used to keep criminals behind bars longer because "we can't invent evidence." It was a problem with shows like CSI which made people believe evidence could be made airtight.
As for drug-related changes, Matt called drugs a "scourge" on the community. But the drug of choice seemed to be pain pills like Oxycontin - "we're seeing zombies," said Matt.
Finally, Matt commented on the juvenile system. The problem with the system as it is in Maryland stems from a lack of facilities for the most hardcore kids. It's why Matt encouraged mentoring to such a degree - "we can be different," he concluded.
After that, there wasn't a while lot to report on. The Central Committee had a number of upcoming events, remarked Ann Suthowski, and would make a push at those for voter registration.
Woody Willing noted that Wicomico County produced about 759 signatures for the SB167 petition and the Board of Elections was already preparing for next April's primary. He also reminded us of the WCRC Crab Feast next month, August 27 to be exact.
After other minor club business was discussed, Gail Bartkovich had some County Council announcements.
First of all, she was looking for volunteers for a Charter Review Committee (prescribed by the county's charter to be formed every 10 years) which would work toward putting any proposed changes on the 2014 ballot.
Secondly, next week's County Council meeting (August 2nd at 6 p.m.) would feature Rick Pollitt's reorganization proposal, so we were advised to either attend or watch the meeting to see what he says.
Gail was asked about the resolution for an elected school board, since there was some controversy over remarks at a prior meeting. As far as she knew, the original resolution was still valid and binding although she would verify it wasn't a dated resolution. But a new one could be proposed at any time, she added.
Besides Maciarello, her answering these questions may have been the highlight of the meeting. We'll do it all again on August 22, with a speaker to be determined.