WCRC meeting - January 2012
It was one of those meeting where we had a featured speaker, but someone else stole the show. That's not to show any disrespect to Cathy Keim, who ably represented Election Integrity Maryland, but a testament to the hot-button issue of the day.
With the meeting conducted by Second Vice-President Marc Kilmer in Larry Dodd's absence, the meeting had a little bit of a different feel to it. Maybe it was the new year. Regardless, we went through the usual preludes and club business, also taking a moment to thank Ann Suthowski for her handling of the club's Christmas Party last month before turning over the meeting to Cathy for her presentation.
She introduced her group, Election Integrity Maryland, as a nonpartisan watchdog group which was an offshoot of the True the Vote organization based in Texas.
In essence, what she had to share was startling - but not surprising. There's no question that those who favor common sense steps like photo voter ID, proof of citizenship, tightened registration rules, the elimination of same-day registration, and a shorter early voting period are accused of fomenting disenfranchisement at best, and racism, homophobia, bigotry, and the remaining laundry list of liberal insults which normally follow once they can't stand on the facts. And they can't, instead trying to portray this as a "GOP war on voting."
On the contrary, a Rasmussen Poll found 82% favor voter ID, no decrease in turnout has been reported in states requiring voter ID, and laws to safeguard against a mass registration dump on the eve of the election (in order to make it more likely fraudulent registrations are allowed) make it easier on legitimate voters to be registered.
Yet there are still rampant examples of the system being tampered with. As a recent example, in the New Hampshire primary, filmmaker James O'Keefe enlisted volunteers who entered and asked for ballots representing voters who had recently died to prove a point, carefully not representing themselves as the deceased voter. Because New Hampshire doesn't ask for a photo ID, there was little chance a person who actually wanted to misrepresent himself as a voter couldn't get away with it.
Cathy also outlined the Secretary of State Project, which is a 527 organization devoted to electing the chief elections official in each state where that post controls the balloting. Its biggest success was in Minnesota, where their Secretary of State (elected with backing from the SoS Project) conducted the 2008 recount that cost Republican Norm Coleman a U.S. Senate seat, given instead to Sen. Al Franken. Prior to that election, Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, who was elected in 2006, ended a ballot reconciliation program and refused to investigate claims of registration fraud.
Some of the more immediate goals of Election Integrity Maryland are to assure accurate voter rolls, promote an active citizenry with an interest in the voting system, conduct poll watcher training (for anyone, regardless of affiliation), and work on legislative measures which promote a clean and fair election. Along with the poll watcher training, they also seek volunteers to sift through the voter registration database and help eliminate duplicates or people registered at phony addresses. On a national level, they are also assisting with verification of signatures in the Wisconsin recall, since some have stated they signed petitions dozens of times. Election Integrity Maryland is a 501(c)(4) group so it can be involved in political activities.
All in all, Cathy put together a nice and informative presentation. But Joe Holloway rose to speak, and that's when things got very interesting.
Joe stated up front that he "needed to see some friendly faces." He and three other Republicans on County Council had come under withering criticism for their proper vote to hold off on building Bennett Middle School until the county was on more solid fiscal footing. Fellow County Council member Bob Culver, who was also at the meeting, said "I've never been spoken to like I have over this (Bennett Middle School) issue." He had opined that we should explore the cost of remodeling the existing building instead.
Yet Holloway was clear on his intentions. "Bennett Middle School will be built," said Joe, "but we want it done right." However, he listened to four members of County Council and reluctantly agreed to hold a special meeting to reconsider the subject. (That meeting, held earlier today, is the subject of this update to a previous post.)
Holloway wasn't as quick to approve the school, though, because a lot of the "new" financial information they were presented was based on a number of assumptions which he was determined to challenge.
And what impact would a new school have on county finances? Well, Holloway believed that around 80% of what we have bonded are education-related projects, and Joe also reminded us the new school would affect both the capital and operating budgets, since we pay millions in debt service annually out of the operating fund.
One questioner reminded us of the prospect of having to adopt teacher pensions at a county level, and another wondered if it was simply a tactic to have the revenue cap removed. But former County Executive candidate Joe Ollinger challenged Holloway to name a figure he could live with. Regardless of the figure, Bob Culver bluntly assessed that "we're going to have to raise taxes."
But Central Committee member John Palmer would have none of it. "I'm disappointed that County Council can't move a Republican agenda," he said. He'll certainly be disheartened by today's vote.
Speaking of the Central Committee, Dave Parker reminded us of the upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner, but also predicted rough times were ahead for the county. "It's going to be worse than Martin O'Malley is telling us," said Parker, and County Council is being "snookered" by those who would "misuse political power."
However, Parker had some better news as he was promoting the Republican message both in a PAC-14 forum which featured Democratic Central Committee member Harry Basehart in a discussion of the differences between the two parties, and a regular point-counterpoint feature in the Daily Times leading up to the election. (I'm not the only self-promoter here.)
Mark McIver spoke on behalf of Congressman Andy Harris, who was unopposed in the primary and would use the advantage given to him by redistricting to help other GOP causes and candidates. "Andy wants to build the party," McIver said. Mark also announced Andy had become a lifetime member of the WCRC.
A pair of relatively new faces were present as well, as Donnie Scholl and Charles Landherr stopped in to represent Dan Bongino's campaign, which is promoting itself around the region. Bongino was a guest at our June meeting last year.
Finally, we had nominations for our 2012 slate of officers, and unless someone steps up to challenge that slate at our February 27 meeting, that group of five holdovers and two new participants will be the 2012 cadre of officers for the WCRC.