Walking back an error
You may have noticed that I stopped updating my personal Presidential selection process. Well, there was a reason for that.
In thinking about this, the problem with doing posts by topic is that I can't account for comings and goings into the race - my posts had plenty to say about Tim Pawlenty but he dropped out; conversely, I haven't made mention of Rick Perry. Over the next few days I'm going to rectify this, and it may make things a little easier on me and improve the posts as an added bonus.
In addition to my regular posts, I'll be adding a 'dossier' series detailing the top Republican and Democratic candidates (in essence, those I already link to.) Obviously this will be a thumbnail look at how I see them since I also link to their campaign websites, but this can give insight on issues I feel are important as well.
And instead of doing them in alphabetical order, I'm going to do them more or less in polling order from lowest to highest - some of these candidates aren't necessarily represented on most polls.
Yes, I'll admit it - I screwed up by doing this the way I did it originally. But in creating a dossier I can make these posts all about one candidate and lead people into doing more research on them, plus it gives me the flexibility to add any new candidates eventually.
I think this will make the posts more readable, and that's the goal. Look for them over the next few weeks.