Two-sided politics
Half of this will be an announcement and confirmation of an upcoming event and the other half news involving the subject's probable opponent next year.
Let's start out with confirmation that Andy Harris will indeed serve as the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Lower Shore Young Republicans on Saturday, May 23rd at noon. It will be located at the McIver residence, 26144 Nanticoke Road in Salisbury and the cost for the pig roast, fried chicken, beer, and entertainment (provided by The Occasionals) is just $15 - cheap!
I would have liked a longer press release but I need to talk about format with the LSYR folks.
Anyway, it brings me to a vote that was taken in the House the other day. Once again, Frank Kratovil sides with the special interests and not the people. Sure, let's allow ACORN more federal money!
Here's an explanation from Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
Was Frank (our Frank, not the Barney of Massachusetts) for it before he was against it, or vice versa, or just plain voting the way the party bosses told him to? Heck if I know, but why should ACORN get a dime of federal funding given their track record of corruption?