Tuesday evening reading - October 15, 2024
More goodies from the stack of stuff I read on a daily basis here on Substack.
The success of this concept last time stoked my sharing flame because I subscribe to a lot of good reading, and come across even more from my following. So when I get to between six and eight posts (or so) I think are worth sharing, you’ll get Tuesday evening reading. It won’t be every week, but likely about once or twice a month. There’s nothing wrong with link love!
So here goes. Read them first then come back and see what I have to say with it.
People like
always have advice on how to handle social media, and this is a good guide (although I don’t always follow it, particularly on the 20% rule.)But this also goes into what I said Saturday about Fakebook, uh, Facebook. To me it’s sort of a necessary evil because it normally contributes 3% of my business, but a post which goes viral there could get me a thousand views or more and a stack of new subscribers. (That’s how my #1 post got to be #1.) And I never know which one will blow up.
Back in the old days of social media, we used to share a photo of every meal we got and how our vacations were going. Now it’s memes, politics, bot posts, and advertisers. Makes me long a bit for the days of the dial-up phone.
More ideas for self-improvement come from this article.
There are certain areas of my life I’m happy with and others which need improvement. But, like
, this is me:I understood that I needed to make some dramatic changes in my life, but the willingness to follow through with those changes was buried under layers of protective avoidance, excuses, and distraction.
There are a lot of things I probably should be doing, but I enjoy reading Substacks and don’t like the thought of trying to stumble around laboring on two bad knees. There’s an exercise bike gathering dust in my garage.
Oddly enough, this particular Tuesday evening reading falls on some vacation time, which will give my wife and I some time together. Maybe two heads will be better than one.
Now it’s time for the necessary criticism of our overlords in government.
We’ll start with an EPA that isn’t exactly being forthcoming with needed information:
I don’t choose to have a propane supplier, so it’s no skin off my nose. Then again, if I wanted the option it would be nice to have, but knowing the state of Delaware, they’ll soon emulate the Feds and drive the residential propane suppliers out of business by shrinking their market to an unsustainable level by pursuing this “electrify everything” folly without the electrical supply to do so - hello higher rates! The next paying subscription I get may well be reinvested in
as he’s gone more to a paid model.Indeed, it was worth my time and inclusion here.
Obviously there are a lot of things people should do on their own to prepare for disaster striking. But there are times when the disaster is overwhelming, and Hurricane Helene was one of them. Many good people have gone there to lend a hand, but apparently some select few saw it as an opportunity to satisfy their jollies for power. That’s what infuriated Eric over at
.And the lawfare continues with this crew.
While this is a guest post on Declassified, the writer (attorney David W. Fischer) points out that the Department of Justice is throwing everything on the wall to see what sticks and punish peaceful protestors. It may never stand up to SCOTUS scrutiny, but that’s not the point: it just keeps J6 in the news and works to further bankrupt the defendants, who, had they protested against Trump, would likely have been given a high five and sent on their way, no matter what havoc they caused.
This is just another reminder from
that we should be putting this government in its place. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who would otherwise be ditch diggers who are interested in keeping the status quo. (Whether they are private-sector ditch diggers or working as part of a chain gang isn’t up to me to decide just yet.)I happen to think the Constitution is a pretty likable document myself. (It’s probably why I’m registered with these guys.) Too bad 95% of our elected officials ignore it, that number only increasing the higher up on the political food chain you go.
Finally, you may recall from last time that I was looking forward to reading part 2 of what
calls “the grand plan to justify the steal and eradicate Trump and his supporters.” Lucky for you both parts 2 and 3 have come out since I wrapped the last edition of TER.It’s such a huge subject to consider and my good friend is tying it all together quite well.
There is one more set of posts I’m saving for a post in their own right as a review after the election. It’s a good history read and commentary series by
that deserves a post of its own.All that should keep a good reader going and thinking for awhile. Now I’ll keep collecting for next time.
In the meantime, though, you can Buy Me a Coffee, since I have a page there now.
Great selection Mike. Thanks again.
Trump and Bob Ross? What kind of beautiful sorcery is this?