Troopathon 2012 set to go, and I'm a small part
No, I won't be appearing on the internet broadcast. But last evening, for the first time, I was accepted into the bloggers' competition for this event. There are several teams of bloggers which attempt to outdo the others and I will be part of a team called the Hot Air Steamers. Besides Hot Air (which will likely get most of the contributions) there are others like Maggie's Notebook and The Lonely Conservative on the team, or so I am told. I'm sure the Move America Forward group will be putting out team rosters at some point.
So what I have done is set up a link to our team on the sidebar - you can't very well miss it - and your job (should you choose to accept it) is to contribute by buying a care package for the troops, starting at $24.99. I'm a person of modest means but I will be getting one on Friday when I'm paid. Shoot, if everyone who reads this website in a week got one the Hot Air team would get a significant boost and people there might just say, "what is this monoblogue?" and stop by. It can't hurt, and it certainly would be a great morale boost for our volunteers in far-flung lands.
(I was just looking at the e-mail which invited me, and the bloggers as an aggregate raised $30,000 in care packages for the troops last year. So my readership note definitely stands - even the small fraction of my readership that 50 packages would account for would be huge at $25 apiece. Seems like a worthy goal.)
Now I understand that a large percentage of my readership is burnt out on war and probably despises the Commander-in-Chief. But it's always been said on the Left that "oh, we support our troops, we just don't support their mission." Well, to them I say put up or shut up. And to those on the right side, it's a worthy cause to which I've donated a few times over the years.
As I said up top, I'm not going to be on the actual broadcast (July 12, 4 p.m. to midnight in the Eastern Time Zone) but if I get the chance I will be watching. They have a number of interesting guests from the conservative world each year and this year they'll also be remembering Andrew Breitbart as part of the webcast. It would be nice to see them crack the million-dollar barrier again as they did in the inaugural 2008 edition, but I'm sure they'd settle for beating last year's mark of around $500,000.
And if I can be of assistance, I'm glad to help.