Time IS running out...
This comes to me from Americans for Prosperity:
With the crucial House health care vote most likely coming in 72 hours, I'm asking you to take a new step.
Go to NovemberIsComing.com and sign a new petition - which tells your member of Congress that if he or she votes YES on the health care takeover, you will vote NO on them in November.
Please send your message right now.
We've got to make sure in these potential final hours before the House vote that every member of Congress knows that tens of thousands of folks back home will vote NO on the Congressman if he or she votes YES on taking away our health care rights.
Every single member of the House of Representatives is up for election this November.
They need to know that if they ram this health care takeover through - with all the dirty deals, all the big spending and new debt, all the new government bureaucracy, all the parliamentary tricks - then Americans will vote them out in November.
This NovemberIsComing.com petition is the clearest way to send this vital message.
Let's keep up the pressure! We are winning with the American people.
With the crucial House health care vote most likely coming in 72 hours, I'm asking you to take a new step.
Go to NovemberIsComing.com and sign a new petition - which tells your member of Congress that if he or she votes YES on the health care takeover, you will vote NO on them in November.
Please send your message right now.
We've got to make sure in these potential final hours before the House vote that every member of Congress knows that tens of thousands of folks back home will vote NO on the Congressman if he or she votes YES on taking away our health care rights.
Every single member of the House of Representatives is up for election this November.
They need to know that if they ram this health care takeover through - with all the dirty deals, all the big spending and new debt, all the new government bureaucracy, all the parliamentary tricks - then Americans will vote them out in November.
This NovemberIsComing.com petition is the clearest way to send this vital message.
Let's keep up the pressure! We are winning with the American people.
Yes they are, as polling continues to suggest the pro-Obamacare side is on the wrong end of public sentiment.
Of course, I know those on the Left will say it's simply because our side is lying to the American people. But when time after time what they've said had been proven false, the people aren't going to stand anymore. Perhaps they prefer the evil they know (insurance companies) to the one they also know (government.) After all, it's a fact that government insurance denies more claims than any private insurance company, which is a complaint the Left makes about them. (Metric 12 on Page 3 here. And the source is the AMA, who's supporting Obamacare.)
There's also a bus trip to Washington (once again) sponsored by the local AFP chapter.
We have a bus leaving from Salisbury on Saturday Morning!! Details to follow!! We just HAVE to fill it!
Please call Ken Nichols ASAP at 410-726-2546 if you think you'd like to go with us.
You know, I find it interesting that I never hear from the Organizing For Against America knuckleheads about any of their rallies and such. It's not the easiest site to stomach sometimes (you have to wince at the tortured logic and lack of common sense), but I do read Progressive Delmarva regularly and they don't seem to promote that sort of activism. Perhaps they sense deep down they are on the wrong side of this.