Three days to act
This came to me from the folks at Americans for Prosperity. Seems the Environmental Protection Agency wants to become the Property Control Agency:
Legislation that would have deleted the word "navigable" from the federal Clean Water Act and given the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction over every drop of moisture in the country crashed and burned last Congress, ending the 36-year congressional career of its lead sponsor, Jim Oberstar, in the process.
But Obama's EPA, as usual, won't take no for an answer, and is now attempting to ignore two Supreme Court decisions, common sense, and the American people and vastly expand federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction via a guidance document. A bipartisan group of 170 members of Congress told them not to, but they are doing it anyway.
If the EPA and Army Corps succeed, they can exercise effective control over all land and water in the United States. The green groups are fired up and pouring comments into the docket supporting this outrageous power grab, and we need to fight back.
Click here to tell the EPA and the Army Corps to STOP their back door assault on private property rights. The docket closes on July 31st, so there is no time to spare. Please take action today!
So I did, and this takes you to a prefilled form letter you can use, or substitute your own comments. I chose the latter, to wit:
To the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
[EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0409; FRL-9300-6]:
Regarding: EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Guidance Federal Register published Guidance Regarding Identification of Waters Protected by the Clean Water Act (CWA).
When non-navigable waters become fair game for government intrusion into our private property rights, that's a bridge too far. In theory, the flooding in one's basement caused by heavy rain couldn't be fixed if the EPA put their mind to it.
Personally, I prefer to have a solid, waterproof foundation and if there's puddles in my yard I'd rather let nature take its course.
You may read my comments and see them as ridiculous. "We're never going to take these regulations to that degree," you surely argue. But through overenforcement of existing laws like the Clean Water Act and Antiquities Act, the federal government has already robbed many of their livelihood and locked away resources which could be useful to our society's well-being.
I urge you to reconsider your purpose, and focus on real threats rather than a phantom global climate agenda.
Sure, you may end up on AFP's e-mail list but that isn't all bad. I shudder to think what bilge has been sent in by the radical green element which has already been active in supporting this power grab.
It's the same people who would like to eliminate septic systems in large developments, created ever-wider buffer zones for development in certain areas, or mandated that we have the same, more expensive blend of gasoline that urban areas use. They have theirs but would love to deny us "hicks in the sticks" a chance to create our own growth and progress. If it were up to them, we'd all be living cheek-to-jowl in crowded urban areas while leaving vast swaths of territory for Mother Nature to control. (Of course, being the enlightened ones, THEY can have access but we peons can't.)
So take a few minutes to counter the Radical Green agenda, whether through your own thoughts or using theirs. Maybe they won't listen, but others will get the message and act accordingly.