Threats and rumors of threats
There's been something going around the country recently, and it's a disturbing trend.
I brought up my news feed to get a little bit caught up after an emotional and draining day, and what do I see? Another school district cancelling classes for a day because of a threat against one or more district facilities.
Obviously in the wake of San Bernardino people take this stuff seriously, never mind the recent third anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting. It was that incident which led to the most recent restrictions on gun ownership here in Maryland. Of course, I know of a handful of people who are convinced Sandy Hook never happened except as a "false flag" incident designed to be the pretext for confiscating our weapons, but I'm not into that sort of conspiracy theory. If the government has it in mind to do something, it's eventually going to happen whether they get the excuse or not.
(The same mindset wonders about the third shooter in San Bernardino, since I recall the initial reports were that of three shooters, too. Maybe that neighbor did more than purchase the guns. But I digress.)
To me, this may not be a bad time to review policies and procedures for our local school district. It so happens that Friday was their last day before going on an extended winter break which runs until January 4, so there's a chance over the holidays to look at the prospects for mischief and plan a course of action. While we're not a large community, we are certainly no more immune from trouble than any other school district serving a county of 100,000 people. Nor do I think a limited concealed carry regimen within the school, through teachers who already have or wish to obtain the proper permits, is a bad idea. It's certainly better than declaring schools a gun-free zone and watching kids be helplessly slaughtered by the first person who ignores that designation.
Fortunately, the schools which have closed have done so without incident. And while no amount of preparation can assure our schools will be completely incident-free, perhaps now is the time to deal with the likelihood something could happen. I wish I'd thought of this before I sat down since I was in the same room as two of our school board members this evening, but I think they're smart enough to read here. If we put them on the board they must have some intelligence, right?