If you ask me where I was when it all came down, I’ll tell you: I was sitting on the back deck of my sister-in-law’s house, waiting on them to return to prepare dinner. My wife sent me a link to the initial story asking about it.
But in my honest opinion, we came close to civil war yesterday.
Had the would-be assassin’s bullet, fired from perhaps 400 feet away, been an inch or two in the wrong direction, we may have been watching America burn. And it’s all our fault.
It’s funny: earlier I was in a long social media conversation with an obvious Biden supporter who I accused of having TDS. But after a long back-and-forth with the woman, who talked at one point about what Jesus taught (as opposed to the Pharisees) I said:
Maybe we should take leave and refresh ourselves on the tail end of Matthew 5, as Jesus taught.
I was referring to the part where Jesus said, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” It’s part of Matthew 5:44-48, a portion of the Sermon on the Mount.
Yesterday we learned just how much hate we have for each other in America, and it wasn’t pretty. Having said that, it doesn’t mean I still don’t disagree with those who would persecute us politically, but it is time to resolve to keep the disagreements political.
Maybe it was the Lord’s hand that led me to do a Bible study yesterday, as our family does one on a regular basis every few weeks with a relative leading. It’s good to immerse ourselves in Scripture like that regularly, and I’m convinced now that there was a reason yesterday was the day.
You can disagree with me about how much of a Christian Donald Trump is. Obviously his past life has given him the well-earned reputation as one with the morals of an alley cat. But since he’s been President it seems like he’s cleaned up much of that act - although, like the rest of us, he remains a work in progress - and this is the type of incident that can convince a man that the Lord isn’t done with him yet.
While at first glance this seems like a banana republic sort of move, and I’ve seen a lot of reprehensive rhetoric from some on the Left, I’m going to pray that, once the emotions get a little less raw, we will step back from the abyss.
What worries me, though, is that not everyone will take this time to reflect. Obviously the two burning questions on everyone’s mind are why the shooter did it (and he’s no longer available to speak, having assumed exterior temperature thanks to the Secret Service), and why there was an opportunity for the shooter to have a clear line of sight to the stage. Hopefully both will be answered in a matter of days.
But the deeper question is that of what has driven this mania we now have, the armed red and blue camps under which we have divided our nation to the exclusion of family and friendship. If ever there was a time to pray for our nation, this would be a good time to begin.
Aside from that, I’m thankful for the sake of his family that President Trump is all right, and pray for the families of both the shooter and innocent bystander who lost their lives yesterday. May the Lord give them comfort in this time of need.
Until next time, remember you can Buy Me a Coffee since I have a page there.
Excellent words Michael. A tough road. Dan Bongino says we think Democrats are people with bad ideas. Liberals, crazies, whatever you want to call them think we are bad people, period and need to be silenced any way possible!
Particularly sad for me. I had many good times at the Butler Fair Grounds. I also wired the exhibit buildings and set the poles and strung the wire to change it from single phase to three phase power.
Now forever it will be the place where Trump was almost assassinated and innocent people were killed and injured.
Beautiful essay that should be read by “both sides” and worhy of the front page of the opionon section of a major newspaper.