Thoughts on global warming
Moments ago I got back from one of my walks around my neighborhood. To place this post in perspective I just went to and looked up the averages for Salisbury for March 17th. Our normal high for today is 56 degrees and normally the low is 36.
It's 34 degrees out right now, with a 20 mph wind out of the northwest. Twenty miles per hour my ass! It was spitting out snow flurries here and as I walked up a rise on one of the back streets in my neighborhood I was walking into the teeth of a gale-force gust I swear was imported directly from upper Siberia. I thought to myself that if humans in general (and Americans in particular) are the creators of global warming, we're sure doing a piss poor job of it this weekend.
So let's just tell Al Gore (he of the energy hog mansion in Tennessee) that we'll believe man causes global warming when we get 70 degrees for a high for the whole month of March, instead of one day this week.
Oh, just had thought #2. A couple weeks ago I went to a website called Someone in the UK has figured out how to calculate one's so-called carbon footprint. Sadly to say, my carbon footprint is only 13,443 kG while the U.K. average is 10,963 kG. I guess I have a little more work to do don't I? These nutcases say that my carbon footprint "should" only be 2500 kG. Well, I have news for them - my house will stay at 70 degrees all winter and 76 degrees this summer, and I'm going to continue to drive MY car its 12,500 miles yearly. If that makes too big of a carbon footprint for you, well that's too damn bad. I'm just an average American who wants to enjoy life and it's not for you to say how I should live it.
Al Gore used over 220,000 kWh of electricity last year, while the American average is 10,656. (In 12 months between my apartment and here I used 8,486 kWh of electricity so I'm even below the norm for Americans - still my "carbon footprint" is too high for these U.K. clowns.)
How's this post for an inconvenient truth?