The secret revealed
I hope you didn't miss me TOO much yesterday. But there was a reason I took a blogging day off.
There are some of you who already knew this, but many of you didn't know that back in December I was laid off from my architectural job. In and of itself, that isn't unusual because the building industry has simply been pummeled by this recession - so I joined a whole lot of other people in that field on the unemployment line.
It was because so many people were chasing so few jobs in the local area that I finally decided now was a good time to consider something new. My choice was either to stay in my field but have to leave a place I'd moved to by choice and had grown to consider home, or stay here but try something new.
Over the last week or so I've been hard at work studying, and this morning I took and passed my exam to sell health and accident insurance. Then I signed a contract to become an associate for AFLAC. Yes, I'm now under the wing of the AFLAC duck.
However, my capacity is not one of employee. In reality, I have taken the step to become one of the millions of small businessmen (and women) out there who now make their living through sales as an independent contractor.
My job is still client service as it was for my previous employer, but it's up to me to create my own wealth. Fortunately, I believe that I have an excellent product to sell - once I learned all that AFLAC can do for those who get hurt and miss work (or become sick with cancer, which hits me close to home) I was thinking, "man, I wish my previous employer had this!"
I'm pleased to have the opportunity to help employers understand how AFLAC can be a benefit to their employees, and can even save them money.
The biggest hurdle I have to success then is actually getting in the door and introducing myself and AFLAC to employers. After that, I'm pretty confident they'll jump at the chance to offer employee benefits that round out what used to be considered a full benefit package - after all, health insurance will pay for hospital and doctor bills but what about the other bills that inevitably pile up? That's where AFLAC comes in.
Now many of you know me through what I write. Obviously not all of you align with my political viewpoint, but few people would argue that I don't exhibit integrity, truthfulness, and diligence with what I write. That's the same way I intend to approach my new venture.
Here's what I'm asking. If you are an employer, I'd just like to have a few minutes of your time to explain what we have to offer. If you're an employee, well, AFLAC always tells people to ask about it at work and you can tell those you work with that you know someone who can explain the benefits.
And even if you're neither, if you know someone who is I'd appreciate the introduction. Besides, I do need a few dry runs at doing the presentation and everyone has to start someplace.
If you'd like to arrange a time to allow me to introduce (or reacquint) myself and how I can help your business, I'd be grateful for the opportunity. My cel number is (443) 523-5367.
By the way, I will note that I'm sure that the opinions expressed on this site may not necessarily reflect the opinions of AFLAC. But they didn't always reflect my previous employer's either, so I think I'll be okay.