The perfect candidate
If Michael Swartz were a presidential candidate, what would he do about the problems facing our nation?
Let me first preface this by saying that the above sentence ain’t gonna happen. No way no how.
All right, now that I’ve made it clear this is a rhetorical exercise, let’s talk.
For many years I’ve kept a list of my priority issues that I use to evaluate would-be candidates. I’m not sure I’ll do that for 2024, but if there were a perfect aspirant, he or she would have these views on the depicted subjects, which I’m going to try and address in 100 words or less apiece.
Education: It should be a local issue, so I would encourage Congress to defund and eliminate the federal Department of Education. Student loans would be returned to the lenders, but with no more federal guarantee. No more would be feds be handing out money to state and local districts, but I would encourage them to allow funding to follow the child regardless of where they desire to go to school (or learn at home.)
Second Amendment: I’m in the “shall not be infringed” crowd so I would demand Congress repeal any and all federal gun laws. We got along just fine without them for over 150 years.
Social Issues: I’m pro-life and pro-traditional marriage; however, to me neither are a federal issue. So I would encourage a Dobbs type of case to come along to allow the Supreme Court to vacate the ill-considered Obergefell decision, placing gay “marriage” back with the states where it belongs. Oh, and I would strongly encourage Congress to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.
Energy: I would do everything in my power to make sure we were an energy independent nation with reliable sources of energy: more natural gas and nuclear for electricity generation, and more oil so people can keep the ICE cars they want to buy. Solar and wind subsidies would be rapidly sunsetted under my administration. I’d be out of the Paris Accord and any other environmentalist wacko agreements so fast their head would spin.
Foreign Policy: We’d be gone from the UN, and I’d encourage them to move along to Geneva, Brussels, or some other more amenable locale. There is a subtle balance to be found between being the world’s policeman and isolating ourselves from the rest of the world, and I would seek that equilibrium - we have to remember oceans no longer protect us. Whatever is done would be in America’s interest first, with a defense budget that’s much larger. Foreign aid would take a back seat to American aid, starting with doing what I could to fatten their pocketbook.
Trade and Job Creation: Similarly, I would be not so much for free trade as for fair trade. If everyone played by the same rules, that would be one thing, but not everyone works that way. Those who wish to? I think we can come to win-win agreements with compromises that help both.
Taxation: Congress, it’s time to pass the Fair Tax. As you’ll see, the government will be smaller in many respects so there will be enough money for the feds to handle their smaller to-do list. And the best part: government would have less opportunity to influence your life by using the tax code because much of it would be eliminated. And you can keep much more of your paycheck and not pay government first.
Immigration: Any and all obstacles from the Executive Branch for building a border wall would be removed. I would also demand Congress pass a law to repeal birthright citizenship and dare the Left to fight it. It’s time the Supreme Court adopt the proper interpretation of that clause. But I wouldn’t want all immigration to cease, just bring in the productive people legally. And there would be nothing wrong with more worker visas.
Entitlements: This is why people wouldn’t vote for me. I’m the guy who says Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare are unsustainable and it’s time to sunset all of them. Of course, the problem with that approach is that it would take several Presidents after me to demand that what I started sticks since generations have grown up depending on them. That’s why Democrats say they’ll have certain classes of people voting for them for 200 years. But with Social Security I’d tell people that they have a choice at the age of 62: take what you put in as a lump sum or collect over time. And those born after a certain date would get the choice when they turn 21: Social Security or save for your own retirement without it.
Role of Government: I’m more into what the role of government would not be: the nanny who tells you how to wipe your bum. I’d collect a batch of really smart Constitutional-minded people to review them and start rescinding executive orders just as fast as I could. I’m pretty much the guy who would take a look at the Constitution and define government that way - unfortunately, I’d say 80-90% of the federal government is unconstitutional. There just has to be a legal means to get rid of it.
Naturally I would have to have a compliant Congress, and that would be harder to get than fitting me into the Oval Office. I would eliminate most of what they use to buy their votes, after all. But I think there’s a tireless minority of us that agrees I have a pretty decent platform, right? If you like it, here’s something you can do - listen and learn.
And don’t forget: you can still Buy Me a Coffee, since I have a page there now.
Good stump speech. I would vote for you.