The new direction
Back in the last decade (a few days ago) I alluded to the fact I would talk about a new direction for this site, which actually extends to other aspects of my writing career. So here goes.
Last summer I did my famous (or infamous, depending on perspective) reading of The Rise and Fall of the TEA Party at Pemberton Coffeehouse. As the last part of that reading I read a tease from the next project I was working on, a book about the Indivisible movement. Its basic premise was to use the statement that it was using the rules of the road laid out by the TEA Party as their own. I figured that I was a pretty good expert on how the TEA Party operates so who better to write a book grading the upstarts on their efforts?
Unfortunately, this is where I ran into a problem. I really have no passion for Indivisible; in fact, I still get their stuff and read it, alternately wanting to laugh hysterically and shake my head in disbelief that supposedly intelligent people believe some of this crap. Their being stuck on "orange man bad" makes them rather dull to consider, and there's nowhere near the tension and conflict when the media has its back - or, really, more or less ignores them by comparison to the TEA Party. In short, there just wasn't the desire to write 200 pages on the subject.
And then we have the whole book marketing thing. To be honest, as I noted in my latest edition of radio days, I really need a long format radio gig to feel comfortable and those are hard to come across. And even with all that, the books haven't exactly been flying off the shelves - not for a lack of trying. I did sixteen different radio shows but what I didn't tell you is that I contacted somewhere close to 200 in order to make that happen. There were probably eight to ten more gigs which fell through for various reasons, and by this point the book is far enough in the rearview mirror that its relevance has diminished somewhat. (For example, it's silent on the whole impeachment saga that's consumed political news during the latter half of 2019.) There's a point where you can't market old news.
I love the act of writing, but I don't get nearly as much thrill from the acts of selling even though that's what creates the market for the writing. It seems to me that finding someone to market books properly yet affordably is almost as unlikely as finding the winning lottery ticket on the sidewalk. I know I have people who believe in and enjoy my work, but I can't make them give me reviews or market my book for me. I can say that I've written two books but I can't say I was significantly better at marketing the second effort - which involved a lot more work than the first one - than I was with the first one seven years ago.
However, having said that, I think there is a market for my writing - it may be a small niche, but it exists nonetheless. Moreover, I'm very partial to short-form writing (such as blog posts, but also my contributions to The Patriot Post and before that PJ Media,, and my days as a struggling syndicated columnist) so why not bring those strengths into play? Plus I retain this venue as a good base of operations. (Eventually the Rise and Fall site will go away. I would like to have a writer site to market my writing, although there's nothing which says I couldn't just do it here. Something for me to think and pray about.)
Thus, I have a few writing goals in mind for this year. Some are relatively easy to achieve while others are more ambitious. There is also a longer-term political goal which will hopefully be kicked off by actions I take this year, but I won't get into that just yet.
I begin with the fate of the Indivisible book. To date I have put about 4,000 words to paper, most of which went into the introduction while I also covered a little bit about the personalities and finance. Making this an 80,000 word book would definitely be a stretch, particularly since I had intended to complete it for this November - and, like I said, my heart wasn't in it.
However, I also have a saying - don't let good writing go to waste. I think what can be done with this beginning of a draft would be to serialize it into a four- or five-part series after I round it out a little bit, maybe adding a couple thousand words to make the points. It may be a good thing to start up around the time of Super Tuesday since Indivisible will be actively trying to manipulate the Democrats' nomination process, similarly to how the TEA Party tried to influence the 2012 GOP nomination.
In the interim, I want to continue a series I've done on a quarterly basis since last summer: the State of the TEA Party. My next installment will come later this month, but by the summer I really want to take the concept in a new, exciting direction.
My vision for the State of the TEA Party is to eventually create a quarterly journal from it - whether print, online, or both - one which creates an academic-style look at the movement for a limited, Constitutional government that the TEA Party supposedly espoused at its creation. Obviously this entails more input from other people, and that's where some of the contacts I had in the writing of Rise and Fall as well as the gravitas of writing a strongly-researched book could help bring that to a reality. I'd love to bring more perspective from those who directly assisted me with Rise and Fall as well as others in the TEA Party who have guided it over the last decade-plus. This could also help me with a non-writing goal I spoke about in the final chapter of Rise and Fall. (Go buy the book and you'll see what I mean.)
Long story short: I may be done as a book author - although the Lord may have other plans, and some have suggested I write a book on the Shorebirds - but I'm a long way from throwing in the towel as a writer. It's just that, given some of the various side hustles I have - not to mention my "real" full-time job - writing a little at a time and not trying to rush through a book I'm not passionate about is the move I think is best for me and my overarching agenda.