"The Kochs don't have Michael Swartz." So what do they have?
The Democrats send me the silliest e-mails sometimes.
Today they are whining that "The Koch Brothers plan to spend nearly $900 million to buy the 2016 election." After I laughed, my first question to them was, "so?"
I saw the news pieces about this yesterday (here's one) and it rolled off my back like water off a duck. Listen, I know there are people who will spend a lot of money on politics simply because they can, and as it turns out the Koch brothers are perhaps the leading conservative/libertarian donors. The Democrats don't have a cow about the hundreds of millions bundlers and grifters on their side plunk down on the races; suffice to say that both sides do this.
But $889 million is a lot of money - heck, I'd be happy to see 1/100 of 1% of that come my way. And the great thing about the Koch brothers is that they wish to limit government, not expand it and try to cut themselves a slice of the pie.
Ever since the Citizens United decision, the liberals have cried that we need to get money out of politics. This wasn't altruism at work, though - since most of the media outlets favor Democrats, conservatives not being able to pay for advertising and speech at election time gave the Left an advantage. That's not to say spending more money always leads to a positive electoral result - if it did, we would be in the early days of the Brown administration, for example - but oftentimes the funding is better for incumbents and they tend to win re-election at a significant rate. Taking that advantage away helps to level the playing field.
Of course, I can see my liberal friends all worked up over someone like the Koch brothers, who are just very successful businessmen spending their money on politics. It's better than yet another palatial mansion or a fleet of private jets, right? But compare that amount to the overall budget of just one county in Maryland - granted, it's the largest one at a population of about one million - and $889 million is chump change. In the grand scheme of things, spread out over multiple states, it's not a great deal of money in comparison.
So I'm glad the Democrats are whining. I don't think there should be a limit in campaign spending because to do so would be counterproductive. My campaign spending may be miniscule in comparison to the Koch brothers, but between Kim and I we have just as many votes and that's the key.