The jobs governor? Must be Bob McDonnell (or Rick Snyder)
You know, it's like a cat cornering a mouse. He paws at it a little and rolls it around, but you know sooner or later the cat will get tired of playing and finally take care of the doomed rodent. Whenever I get an e-mail from Change Maryland, I keep seeing Martin O'Malley's record as that little squeaky thing trapped in the corner.
The cat's paw took a nice little chunk out of O'Malley's self-professed accomplishments the other day, once again noting the abysmal job creation record of Maryland as compared to Virginia as they tied together much of the data released last month:
Maryland has lost 36,200 jobs, while Virginia has lost 12,400 jobs since 2007 according to the latest available numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Maryland is a much smaller state so on a percentage basis of jobs lost there is an even wider difference - four times as many jobs have vanished in Maryland as in Virginia.
"O'Malley has no business going on national TV talking about the economy, especially with Gov. McDonnell who is pounding our state into submission on job creation," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "Maryland is lucky enough to be one of the biggest recipients of federal government jobs and federal government spending which has kept the bottom from completely falling out of the unemployment rate. But, we have lost 6,500 businesses under O’Malley and our private sector economy is in shambles."
Governor O'Malley frequently compares Maryland's employment picture to the entire nation as if states like Michigan and Nevada have common economic attributes. Actually Virginia is the most apt comparison since they are our next-door neighbors, share the border of Washington D.C. and compete directly for businesses and jobs.
Maryland has lost more businesses, taxpayers and jobs than its southern neighbor since O'Malley's term in office began in 2007. What's more, Virginia is the largest net recipient of that capital flight from Maryland.
Maryland accounted for the largest migration exodus of any state in the region between 2007 and 2010, with a net migration resulting in nearly 31,000 residents having left the state. Most of these individuals went to Virginia, now home to 11,455 former Marylanders, who took $390 million in earning power from the tax rolls during this three-year period, according to the IRS.
As a percentage of jobs lost since 2007, which in context puts Maryland's loss at four times that of Virginia, the state saw a decline of 1.39%, while the commonwealth stands at just .33%. In the July preliminary BLS numbers, Virginia's month-to-month gain of 21,300 jobs was the third-highest in the country, while Maryland's gain was a measly 800.
Subtract a nation's capital and add a couple shuttered automakers and Maryland might well be Michigan circa 2010. Both states have a lot of shoreline, too - but Michigan isn't as restrictive about growth in those areas as we are; in fact, they seem to be moving in the right direction on that front. Moreover, Michigan's 9% unemployment is down 1.6% over the last year while Maryland only dropped from 7.2% to 7% - and Michigan gained over 21,000 jobs last month, second in the nation.
And if you look at Maryland's unemployment rate by county, you'll find the more rural areas of the state like the lower Eastern Shore and western Maryland have unemployment rates comparable to Michigan's, as does Baltimore City. That's a component of Martin O'Malley and liberal Democrats' War on Rural Maryland.
Our governor is one who seems to believe the only valid "investment" is that which is produced from money confiscated by taxpayers, whether they're through paying increased income taxes, higher sales taxes, or that regressive tax known as money from Maryland's casinos. (Interesting to note that the predicted gambling revenue is now only around $713 million by FY 2017 - a far cry from the rosy but wild guess that we'd be collecting nearly $1 billion a year by now. In truth, we've made less than $300 million.)
By discouraging private investment through punitive taxation and onerous regulation, the governor has belied the "One Maryland" idea he frequently promotes. If you happen to live along the I-95 corridor and/or work for the federal government, you don't mind paying higher taxes because you're rolling in clover and the money will eventually be returned to you anyway. But those of us out here in "flythrough country" (so named because people speed on through this area on their way to a beachfront condo) don't have those luxuries - we have to produce something to make our money, whether it be a chicken, a bushel of crabs, a beanfield, or even a memorable vacation which entices a tourist's return. We earn every penny government confiscates to promulgate the ineptocracy, whether it's the one in Annapolis or Washington.
With all that, it's no wonder a growing number of people want to change Maryland.