The Free State speed bump
Since Delaware doesn't have a U.S. Senate race on tap this time around, I haven't been paying much attention to that aspect of the political world. But then I saw a name that, like a blast from the past, caused me to notice Maryland's U.S. Senate race. Unfortunately, it's sort of for the wrong reasons.
As is often the case in Democrat-dominated Maryland, the federal races are dotted with a collection of crackpots and perennial candidates. Some of them on the Democrat side are probably on the ballot with the thinking that, hey, maybe if the guy dies after the filing deadline but before the primary I could get into Congress. That makes a wee bit of sense when you think about it, but I'm not sure why there are those same type of candidates on the GOP side since they haven't won a statewide federal race in over thirty years.
I have learned over the years that most of these guys who are on the federal ballot are running on a shoestring, and as such have no FEC account. That sort of bankroll may have worked for New Jersey's Edward Durr in a small State Senate district, but that ain't happening statewide - especially when the incumbent has a mid-seven figure war chest he probably won't even have to tap. Thus, there's not much you can argue about the chances of George Davis, Nnabu Eze (who ran before in 2018), or John Thormann, as none of them have an active FEC account at this time - and it's getting a little late to start one.
And those who do? Hoo boy....
This piece is an introduction to Jon McGreevey, also spelled McGreevy, who apparently also goes by the name Ryan Dark White. All that was getting into tl:dr territory, so make up your own mind since he has defenders, too. Whatever he goes by, McGreevey has an FEC account with no reported receipts, disbursements, or cash on hand.
(Remember, the incumbent has, in order for the last reporting period, $5,363,914 in receipts, $1,910,932 in disbursements, and $3,932,023 cash on hand.)
And then you have John Berman, who comes from the Rocky De La Fuente school of running for Senate in several states at the same time - he's running in Ohio and Wisconsin so Maryland must be a betting hedge. However, Berman has not actually filed in Maryland (but has the empty FEC account just in case.)
So, compared to all that, fellow GOP Senate hopeful James Tarantin sounds relatively sane. Naive - which may be a good thing - but sane. And his message is simple: "I wish to be a public servant because I want to Heal America." He also has an FEC account and - surprise, surprise - there's a little bit of money in it. Maybe enough for a good State Senate race, but you have to start somewhere. And that's the state of play for the Republican Party in Maryland, which is why I saw the name Diana Waterman come across my e-mail. And this is what she said. (The e-mail has lots of ellipsis.)
Marylanders are looking for elected officials who can understand what they encounter in their day to day lives...someone who has struggled to make ends meet but through hard work has been successful....someone who understands and values the importance of family and the role of family in creating a responsible and caring future generation...and someone who will work hard every day to try to make a better world for all Marylanders. James Tarantin is that person.
James believes that it is time to retire career politicians and put our government back in the hands of the people.
He truly wants to be the voice of the people so that he can help them to fulfill their dreams.
I know James will work tirelessly to represent all Marylanders in DC.
Diana Waterman, former MDGOP state party chair and former MFRW president.
I can vouch for the first statement, since I don't think he's run for anything before. So why not run in a statewide election? After all, someone has to get that 35% of the vote a Republican with no money will automatically get in Maryland.
There is one other unique thing about that Senate race: insofar as I know, there is no "Trump-lite" candidate out there like there is in the governor's race (Dan Cox.) So the Maryland Republicans can hash it out among themselves and see if they can somehow find lightning in a bottle.
The problem with this cycle in Maryland is that all the other statewide offices come up this year as part of the state's rather unique four-year election cycle, so no one can run from the cover of holding office this time around. In order to run for the Senate you would have to give up what's likely a rather safe seat and place in the minority. In presidential years you may see a popular GOP officeholder or two stick their neck out to run for federal office, but not in a state office year. Add to that the feeling that the state GOP was hoping in their heart of hearts that Larry Hogan would take a shot at the seat and it explains the shallowness of the field. If Hogan somehow decided to jump in tomorrow with a late entry, ninety percent of Tarantin's endorsers would withdraw their statements to back Larry - we all know it.
And this goes back to the shallowness of the GOP bench in Maryland. While Larry Hogan managed to win two terms as governor, arguably the state party is worse off than it was when he began in 2015. That weakness is manifesting itself in a race like the Senate contest.