The end of a week
The other night I wrote on Facebook that I was physically and mentally spent, and I meant it - the combination of a grueling work week at my outside job and the climax of the 2012 campaign was all I could handle and then some. I still don't feel caught up and it's been four days since balloting ended.
But I did get to see a story in the Washington Times about Maryland being a lonely state for Republicans. I don't know how many years in the wilderness we have to go, but I am tired of the Fall Convention immediately after an election being like a wake.
What really took the cake, though, was a comment I received on Election Day post, haranguing the conservative movement for believing the re-election of Barack Obama was about free stuff. Well, what else could it be? Oh wait, perhaps it was that whole "war on women" bullshit mixed in as well, with a healthy dose of class warfare for good measure. As she (at least I think it's a she) notes,
Did you lose every swing state because people in those states "want stuff", setting aside the fact that people in the red states absolutely "get stuff" in higher percentages from the federal government than people in blue states? It is this patronizing attitude that will bring down the Republican Party – you cannot possibly fathom that people who voted for the other guy might have other motivations than "they want stuff."
I'd love to see the proof of her assertion, but I'd also love to know what motivated the other side besides the items I brought up. It certainly wasn't Obama's economic or job creation record.
Yet it's worthy of note that about 10 million fewer people believed the Obama story this time; sadly, about 3 million believed Mitt Romney less than they did John McCain. To me that's the most worrisome part. I voted for Romney even though he was far from my first choice in the primary; those who were behind him from the start generally felt that he was the most "electable." Obviously for the second time in a row they were wrong because Mitt Romney isn't taking the oath of office come January. We're stuck with another four years of this nightmarish regime, which will likely be detrimental on steroids given that Obama doesn't have to face the voters again and has more "flexibility."
Obviously the only perfect candidate in my eyes would be me, and I'm not running for president. You'll be lucky if I run for Central Committee again the way things are going.
In this country, though, we have to face the fact that our current path is unsustainable. The problem is anyone with that message won't be elected (ask Ron Paul followers.) The time for a band-aid approach is long past, but here we are treating the skin blemish of jacking up taxes on the so-called wealthy when there's a gaping financial wound of entitlement spending which won't be addressed.
If you had that motivation and still voted for the other guy, I'm not sure I or anyone else can talk you back from that state of delusion. Recovering from that generally takes a proverbial smack upside the head by a 2x4 - just don't be surprised when that day comes.