The context for Jindal
We weren't really paying a whole lot of attention in these parts, but today Bobby Jindal became what he hopes is the lucky 13th candidate to seek the Republican nomination for President. And it didn't take long for our friends, the Democrat "hacktivists," to take a few potshots in an e-mail titled "Bobby Jindal for president? Really?":
Take a look at our Bobby Jindal primer:
He's one of the least popular governors in the country: Under his failed leadership, nearly 1 in every 5 people in Louisiana lives in poverty.
He's one of the architects of the scheme to turn Medicare into a voucher system.
He will say anything to please the Tea Party base, like denying climate science and championing extremists like the guy from Duck Dynasty.
Really, that's all you've got? Granted, Jindal doesn't have overwhelming approval numbers in Louisiana - earlier this year, he was polling in the 20s at home, but had significant positive ratings elsewhere. Jindal was popular enough to win 66% of the vote in his 2011 re-election campaign, though. It's not unheard of for a governor to lose polling momentum in a second term as he had 50 percent approval two years ago. And if failed leadership involves cleaning up a corrupt state, I'll take some in Maryland.
As for the poverty rate, it is roughly the same in Louisiana as it was in 2000. Under governors of both parties it has stayed around 20 percent, with the low point occurring under Jindal's watch in 2010. In those terms it is not too distinct from its southern peers.
It's worth noting that the same poll that had Jindal at 50 percent also polled on his decision not to expand Medicaid. And don't let them fool you: nothing would happen to Medicare until 2024 at the earliest, and, as Paul Ryan explains, this is a program to allow more choice. We know the Democrat hacktivists think they know what's best for us but I like having choices, thank you.
But I loved that last bullet point. I don't believe the climate "science" either because there's too much money at stake for those who parrot the government line to state otherwise; moreover, there are the inconvenient truths that the Earth has been warmer and cooler than it is today for extended periods before the industrial revolution. In short, we don't have a damn thing to do with it but people want us to think so in order to tax and control us. Yet it's working, so don't tell anyone it's a con.
And "that guy from Duck Dynasty" happens to be a pretty successful Louisiana-based businessman. You could be friends with worse people, like suspected child molesters. To the extent Phil Robertson is "extreme" is the extent he is God-fearing.
With all that, I'm starting to like Jindal a little more. Really. Let's face it: the Democrats have nothing except the scandal-plagued Clinton family and the walking failure that is Barack Obama. They can't even get Jim Webb on the same page.
So if you need a good laugh, just wait for the Democratic "hacktivists" to speak up. You'll get one.