The beast is NOT dead
Could Rule 11 be resurrected by the Maryland Republican Party?
Well, Heather Olsen and I tried to place it off limits but fell agonizingly short at the most recent convention. But every time I hear the contention there won't ever be a reason to invoke a waiver again, I'm reminded of two words: Roscoe Bartlett.
And on a recent edition of a heretofore unknown to me internet radio show called Purple Elephant Politics, MDGOP Political Director Matt Proud used the "unlikely to happen" defense regarding Rule 11, but guess which name came up as a possible exception? Listen beginning at the 14 minute mark.
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Nice plug. But the trio makes a point I've stated myself - as long as there's the possibility someone can use the rules to benefit one candidate over another in a pre-primary scenario, it's a temptation that's too easy to resist. (In an unrelated scenario regarding the U.S. Senate race, Potomac TEA Party Report blogger Ann Corcoran reports on the lengths that a former MDGOP Chair would go to in promoting her chosen candidate. Remember, Audrey Scott was a large portion of the Ehrlich/Harris Rule 11 decision.)
In listening to the show, it's obvious that one of the hosts was at the convention but I don't believe she voted for our proposal. While she may not have made a difference by herself, it makes me wonder if the Maryland GOP isn't going to be torn asunder once again because we failed to slay this beast when we could have. I don't have a dog in the Sixth District hunt, but by many accounts Roscoe Bartlett isn't as conservative or as responsive as many of his constituents would prefer. While he doesn't seem to have veered as far leftward as Wayne Gilchrest did, the Maryland GOP owes the voters of the Sixth District - or any other jurisdiction in the state - a decision without their thumb on the scale.
So the ball is in the court of our National Committeeman Louis Pope, National Committeewoman Joyce Terhes, and Chair Alex Mooney. They can fall for the establishment's call to anoint a candidate, or stand up for what's right for Sixth District voters.