Ten questions...the trailer (a coming attraction)
A goal I set for year number two of my blogging was an effort to become a "one-stop shop" for political news and issues. At that time, I'd already began compiling a list of candidate websites (with their blogs if they have any) and I'm still adding to the list as they become available and I become aware of them. This is from both major parties, along with some from other parties (I have a couple Green Party candidates linked, for example.)
If there's one thing I like to see, it's campaigns and elections based on the issues, not on whatever mud they can sling in 30 seconds or less. Yes, negative campaigning works on a lot of people but I'm making an attempt to go deeper than that.
This year the U.S. Senate seat in Maryland has attracted a huge amount of interest. No fewer than 19 candidates have either already filed for the primary (or general in one case) election; in fact, we've already had one dropout. So there is no way that a debate to air their views on important issues facing our state and nation could happen between all these competing candidates. Or could it?
A beautiful thing about the internet is that it occurs on my schedule. If I want to post something, on goes the computer, bam! I connect to my server and some time later, what I think goes out over the World Wide Web. (Well, maybe not to Communist China and other such restrictive places.) Knowing that, I had an idea that I thought deserved a try.
That's how I came up with what I call the Ten Questions. Once I came up with them, I decided to send a copy via either e-mail or snail mail to each declared candidate for the Senate seat in Maryland. But wait, there's more! While writing them, I observed that these questions all touch on areas of national concern - so why not also involve our close-by neighbors in Delaware and Virginia? And why not House candidates too? Thus, the list was completed. The Ten Questions have gone to a total of 33 hopefuls who are running for the following:
U.S. Senate seats in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. U.S. House seats in Delaware (at-large), Maryland's 1st District, and Virginia's 2nd District.
It's the same area I attempt to link to on my sidebar. As of tonight, I already have one respondent who has answered these questions. But I gave all responders a deadline of May 31st to return these questions.
The reason for that cutoff is beginning on June 2nd, and commencing on each Tuesday and Friday throughout the summer, I will post one or two hopefuls' answers to the Ten Questions. The idea is to give anyone who has placed his or her name into the mix for these seats an equal opportunity to answer the same questions. For my friends who read this in Virginia, on June 9th (the Friday before the primary) I will post all the Virginia responses in a debate-style format - the question posted along with each candidate's response (or lack thereof). The same will hold true for Maryland and Delaware on Friday, September 8th - I'll repost the various answers I put up over the summer in a similar format so one can easily compare and contrast each of the hopefuls.
So on June 2nd people will see the actual questions I've sent. But to whet the appetite, the topics covered include immigration/border security, gasoline prices, ethics, campaign finance reform, the War on Terror, Iran's nuclear ambitions, Social Security, the budget with regard to "pork", the question of free vs. fair trade, and their thoughts on who should run in 2008 to succeed President Bush.
This will be something for all my readers to look forward to I hope. By the way, once the questions are posted I welcome links so long as you credit monoblogue. And if you don't happen to live in the area but want to quiz your federal officeseekers, all I ask is that if you use the questions you either provide a link to my site or credit www.monoblogue.us if you don't provide a link (or in the print media.) Most bloggers are pretty cool that way.
So the campaign will begin in earnest June 2nd as we begin this forum. I think it's going to be a good one. I don't think I'll replace those 30 second negative ads, but I'm going to try and score one for the clean campaign folks anyway.