Ten questions for...Lih Young
Once again, Ten Questions looks at a U.S. Senate candidate, and this time it's a woman who's apparently a perennial candidate, Taiwan native Lih Young. In looking at the file I downloaded from her, she has some of the longest answers to the Ten Questions so I'll be up late reading as I go. Oh well. So without further ado, here are her answers.
Question #1:
There are several schools of thought regarding the problem of illegal immigrants, or as some would call them, “undocumented workers.” Some solutions offered range from complete amnesty to sealing the border with a wall to penalizing employers who hire these workers. Currently there are competing House and Senate measures - in particular the House bill has spawned massive protests around the country. While I have listed some of the possible solutions, it’s no exhaustive list. What solutions do you favor for the issue?
Stop minorities bashing. Support civilian review board. Improve quality officials. race relationships, diversity in good faith, not rhetoric or abuse as often by “fraud-crime- injustice networks”. Clean-up; not relaying/shuffling at the expense of justice, productivity, good workers, minorities, immigrants. Investigate/ prosecute/ eliminate: unjust appropriation, siphoning resources to benefit a few.
All people, including minorities have a lot to contribute; should have opportunities to reach their potential. Support: good-faith diversity, not rhetoric or bad-faith (used for wrong purposes: unjust practices, unlawful acts, falsification, false/misleading testimonies, bad proposals, or for token only etc.), equality (opportunities, education, employment, business, procurement, contracting, promotion; learning, environment); fair election process; people input, open public hearings, town hall meetings (not for formality only); accurate timely information, report, statistics; assistance to needy, disability, elderly, vulnerable, but not to be diverted to benefit a few or “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation. Protect people (rights, resources, reputation, liberties, constitutional, litigation, jury trials, due process, grievance, complaint, records), families, affiliations, social relationships, heritages. Improve: accountability, cost-effectiveness; benefit people, all ethnic groups, (not like current system siphoning public fund/resources (local- federal) mainly to benefit a few); quality of officials. Support affirmative action, smart growth, “proper growth”. Restore principle, function, fairness, non-discrimination. Examine/ eliminate: racial profiling, endless unjust practices, double standards; false arrest, citation, charges, detention, incarceration, bond/bail, unjust sentencing, police brutality, “official misconduct- fraud- crime- injustice networks”; improper accounting, records; abuse/diversion of social benefit programs, distortion of fund; disparity of inmate population, false excuses/disguise of abuse, detention, imprisonment. Many officials (3 branches, past, current) are problems, not solution; unjust manipulation, influence, misleading, deceit; controlled by or be part of “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” = 4th branch which overlap private and public sectors. Eliminate serious problems: public agencies, private businesses (e.g., financial, legal/judicial, accounting, etc.); unjust practices, manipulation, influences; immoral, unethical, unlawful acts, fraud, crime; falsification, false excuses, false arrest, citations, liens, foreclosure, etc; deprive/ damage/ destroy people (individuals, families, business; personal, political, civic, association, social relationship); silencing people down with threats, coercion, discrimination, victimization, retaliation, civil/human rights backwards, socio-political problems, vicious cycles, people-slaves; official violation of laws, unjust schemes; bad-faith; sole sources, secret deals, abandonment of public resources especially without public knowledge; distortion of fair market mechanism in many aspects: planning, construction, land deals; disregarding important factors, justification, priorities, cost-benefits (whether education, school construction, economic development, affordable housing, medium priced dwelling units, traffic, parking…,); heavy burden with taxation, bond/debt, fees.
Issues are interrelated, horizontally, vertically, local-global; e.g., budget, education, public safety, health care, etc. See other issue statements. Problem solving approaches: proactive, diagnostic, cost-effective, preventive; not minorities-bashing. America: founded, grown, because of immigrants. Declaration of Independence, US Constitution: simple, valuable for hundreds of years, result of immigration. Republican candidate Steve Rosen seems to forget that with false excuse of illegal immigrants; disregards real problems of “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”= “EXIS OF EVILS” IN OUR HOMELAND = “super classes of crimes, welfare, parasites” = “cruel tyranny” = “robbery machine” = penetrating, expanding everywhere (inc. non-profit, civic organization) = the most terrifying terrorists on daily basis; worse then World Trade Center 9-11-2001 incidence, pre-emptive wars with Patriot Act, Florida election 2000, President Nixon’s Watergate, Financial/accounting/legal disasters (e.g., Enron bankruptcy), etc; opposite the purposes of education, government function, judicial missions; destroy our society, democracy, justice, peace; with double standards; endless unlawful, criminal acts, unjust schemes, scams, depriving of resources (public, private); fraud, theft, identity theft, hate crime, false arrests, citation, detention, imprisonment, contempt of order, bond/bail; murder, attempt of murder; harassment, victimization, discrimination, retaliation; cause homelessness, poverty, serious socio- political- election- media problems in vicious cycles; civil/human rights backward, people-slave. Scapegoat on minorities: bashing, harassing; false excuses to benefit, facilitate “official misconduct- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation. In a local candidate forum at Jewish Community Center, Steve Rosen arrogantly said that he could influence media. Candidate LIH YOUNG pointed out that Rosen should examine the violation of “rule of law” (Rosen’s own quoted words), problems about media (LIH YOUNG testified on such and other problems frequently), Rosen’s preference treatment from LWV with earlier access to Dnet, uploading more issues, lengthy statements; evidence of unfairness, unjust manipulation, as often by “official misconduct- fraud- crime- networks”. Note: Candidate LIH YOUNG’s repeated requests, including placing Young’s photo on Dnet was denied, when supposed to. LIH YOUNG SUPPORT: measures to promote democracy, productivity, heath, education, public safety; equality, employment, reaching potential to contribute most. Focus: strengthen the implementation, enforcement of Constitutional law, good existing laws; not abuse, misuse. Protect people’s rights (liberties, constitutional rights, litigation, jury trials, due process, resources, properties, reputation, association); not deprived, damaged, destroyed; not secret detention, deprivation, disparity treatment, sentencing. Investigate/ prosecute/ eliminate the false arrests, detention, falsification, false excuses, unjust practices, manipulation, influences, as often by “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”. OPPOSE: anti-immigrants approaches, hate-crime; obstruct, destruct, hinder productivity, employment, job search, purchasing power, family life; deprive, damage liberties, rights, resources; bad legislative bills with hidden agenda (regarding unjust heavy penalties, driving, license, vehicles, etc.) to benefit/ facilitate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation at the expense of the people, especially minorities.
Question #2:
Another top-burner concern is the current spike in the price of gasoline. Again, this is a broad issue with many scenarios that can be played out. Possible solutions that have been bandied about in recent days are a temporary suspension of the federal 18.4 cent a gallon tax on gasoline and easing environmental restrictions on gasoline blends (as happened after Hurricane Katrina). Further down the road but possibly affecting prices on the futures market would be the approval of additional oil drilling in ANWR and the Gulf of Mexico. If you were elected, what solutions to this issue would you pursue and why?
Major transaction or land deal should be rigorously reviewed objectively by academically very well trained, based on merits, priorities, cost- effectiveness, social cost-benefits, etc., through competitive processes, general soliciting, fair market mechanism; not arranged by the developer or inner circle; should be openly discussed with residents, in official meetings, Mayor/Council/ public hearings; not misleading, concealing, unjust manipulation or influence; not rushed through as the consent agenda items as mall purchases of goods and services. Eliminate, prevent: abandonment of public resources, land, properties to benefit a few or “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” including developer, government attorneys, lawyers, law firms, etc.) at the expense of general public and future generations, including other jurisdictions, especially with grants and public debts from the state and federal; sold, leased out (secret hidden agenda, even huge acres, decades-long lease) with zero or no fair compensation, despite citizen’s objection; unnecessarily leased private properties for government use at very high costs even with short lease (a few years or shorter); with extra high costs to construct building, furnish expansive equipments; and when construction is done, lease expires, completed products abandoned or free to a few; often disguised by partnership, economic development, school, education, public safety, etc.; several rounds of unjust abandonment and purchase; misleading public roads, highways, when abandoned to private; unjust projects, appropriation; misuse, abuse, misappropriation; false road construction, maintenance; false records: land, roads, maps; unjust demolition of building even in good condition to initiate new construction, project, purchase, including library or school.
Question #3:
Recently the news has featured ethics scandals involving GOP donor Jack Abramoff and former House member Duke Cunningham of California as well as Democrat House members William Jefferson of Louisiana and Allan Mollohan of West Virginia. If elected, what steps would you take to help eliminate ethical improprieties among our elected representatives?
Rigorous review, analysis: budget, based on merit, principle, priorities, cost-effectiveness, social cost-benefits. Promote quality, peace, justice, fair election processes; televise, disseminate, maintain meaningful information; issue, candidate, debate. Oppose: unjust practices, manipulation, influence; bad legislative proposals, hidden agenda with false excuses (economic development, housing, transportation…whatever) for private gain (officials, developers, lawyers, etc.); nonsense grants, programs, projects: facilitate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”=cruel tyranny= robbery machine; continuing, on-going, expanding, penetrating, threat, coercion, victimization, deprivation, discrimination; endless immoral-unlawful acts, rob/destruct resources (public, private; business, civic, political), frivolous litigation, levies, foreclosures; improper processing of complaints, proceedings, docketing; cause vicious cycles: socio- political- election-media; civil-human rights, people-slave.
Question #4:
Along that same line, many people have seen the vast sums of money that seemingly are required to run for public office and were under the impression that campaign finance reforms such as those enacted with the McCain-Feingold bill were supposed to relieve this inequity. On the whole, however, the money trail has not ceased even with these laws. How do you favor strengthening these laws to make them more effective, or do you agree with some First Amendment advocates who think these laws should be eliminated?
The way to eliminate corporate corruption is not by rhetoric legislative bills. Most likely the legislative bills are bad, and often with serious hidden agendas and appropriation to benefit a few. A lot of legislative bills are unnecessary, except to keep legislators busy, without time to think, or to deal with more important bills or other things, e.g., resolving and provide proper remedies against “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks: operation, unjust practices; actually prosecuting and eliminating frauds, crimes or corruption (public or private, corporate or government). There are Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and other existing good laws, which need to be enforced, implemented; but are often ignored, violated intentionally, as by the rampant of “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” with endless immoral, unlawful acts, frauds and crimes, which breed more corruption and violence domestically and globally. U.S. Senate, or even three branches of government, law enforcement, government attorneys, prosecutors, local- federal are not doing rights; failed to carry out their responsibilities to enforce the good laws, protecting people, their rights, resources, properties, reputation, due process, etc. Important but often ignored: Prosecute and eliminate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation, unjust practice, manipulation, influence. Stop processing bad or unnecessary legislative bills; proper processing of complaints, files, records, resolution. Based on merits, cost-effectiveness, priorities, socials cost-benefits; stop bad appropriation. Rigorous review, analysis: budget, based on merit, principle, priorities, cost-effectiveness, social cost-benefits. Promote quality, peace, justice, fair election processes; televise, disseminate, maintain meaningful information; issue, candidate, debate. Oppose: unjust practices, manipulation, influence; bad legislative proposals, hidden agenda with false excuses (economic development, housing, transportation, whatever) for private gain (officials, developers, lawyers, etc.); nonsense grants, programs, projects: facilitate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”. Major transaction or land deal should be rigorously reviewed objectively by academically very well trained, based on merits, priorities, cost- effectiveness, social cost-benefits, etc., through competitive processes, general soliciting, fair market mechanism; not arranged by the developer or inner circle; should be openly discussed with residents, in official meetings, Mayor/Council/ public hearings; not misleading, concealing, unjust manipulation or influence; not rushed through as the consent agenda items as mall purchases of goods and services. Eliminate, prevent: abandonment of public resources, land, properties to benefit a few or “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” including developer, government attorneys, lawyers, law firms, etc.) at the expense of general public and future generations, including other jurisdictions, especially with grants and public debts from the state and federal; sold, leased out (secret hidden agenda, even huge acres, decades-long lease) with zero or no fair compensation, despite citizen’s objection; unnecessarily leased private properties for government use at very high costs even with short lease (a few years or shorter); with extra high costs to construct building, furnish expansive equipments; and when construction is done, lease expires, completed products abandoned or free to a few; often disguised by partnership, economic development, school, education, public safety, etc.; several rounds of unjust abandonment and purchase; misleading public roads, highways, when in fact abandoned to private; unjust projects, appropriation; misuse, abuse, misappropriation; false road construction, maintenance; false records: land, roads, maps; unjust demolition of building even in good condition to initiate new construction, project, purchase, including library or school.
Question #5:
While the above issues have captured the headlines, our War on Terror (particularly in Iraq) is never far from our minds. It goes without saying that the vast majority of us support our troops; but the question is whether you favor our current approach or something different in terms of sending additional troops, seeking more multinational support, or a complete pullout. Maybe your thoughts are someplace in between these listed or would be considered “out of the box” thinking. What approach would you favor?
Support humanity, peace, justice. Respect other’s cultures. Cooperate with United Nation, other countries. Oppose: horrible violent force, invasion, occupation, Deprivation/destruction (countries, population, properties, soldiers; resources, reputation; public, private); unjust practices, manipulation, influence, falsification, false excuses; problems (credibility, moral, mental, financial, fiscal), official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks Government budget to carry out necessary government function; maintain truly quality, honest, integrity employees, appointees, commissioners, volunteers; etc.; eliminate “fraud- crime- injustice networks”, corporate welfare. Define and identify the “terror” or “crime” right; not opposite, falsification, misleading, deceit; false excuses to victimize people (here or overseas), as often by the “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks: Fighting the terror overseas, with UN, alliance of other countries. Pay for damages, restitution, reparation to victims; penalties against those who caused the problems or damages. Reconstruction mainly to benefit the general public of the victimized countries; not to benefit a few; with UN, alliance of countries.
Question #6:
Related to the above question is the controversy over Iran’s nuclear program. The oil-rich nation claims that this program is for the peaceful use of generating electrical power for its citizens, yet on the other hand its leadership has threatened the nation of Israel with annihilation hinted as being from a nuclear bomb. While the President has the final decision, what course would you advocate he take (a pre-emptive military strike, diplomacy either through the UN or some other way, or leaving them alone as a sovereign nation) and why?
Support humanity, peace, justice. Respect other’s cultures. Cooperate with United Nation, other countries. Oppose: horrible violent force, invasion, occupation, Deprivation/destruction (countries, population, properties, soldiers; resources, reputation; public, private); unjust practices, manipulation, influence, falsification, false excuses; problems (credibility, moral, mental, financial, fiscal), official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks .
Stop minorities bashing. Improve quality of officials. Support civilian review board. Improve race relationships, by deeds, not rhetoric; diversity in good faith, not for political reasons; or to benefit/facilitate “fraud-crime- injustice networks” operations; not relaying/shuffling at the expense of justice, productivity against good workers/citizens, especially minorities. Investigate/ prosecute/ eliminate: serious problems: unjust appropriation, siphoning resources to benefit a few, “fraud-crime- networks” Investigate/ prosecute/ eliminate: minorities-bashing, hate crimes; injustice, false excuses, imprisonment, detention, torture, unfair treatment, victimization; deprivation of resources, reputation, families, social relationship; racial profiling, discrimination, victimization, retaliation, official misconduct, falsification; unlawful acts, crimes; tampering of evidence, witnesses, etc.; three branches, local- global, especially by “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice works”, including DOJ, FBI, law enforcement, judicial/ legal/ financial/ accounting personnel, their unjust practices (false excuses, manipulation, influence, destruction) destroy individuals, families, businesses, communities, peace, democracy. Their damages are more serious than 9-11-2001 World Trade Center incidence, President Bush’s wars, President Nixon’s Watergate, Florida election 2000, financial/ accounting/ legal disasters, notorieties (e.g., Enron bankruptcy, Andersen accounting). Illinois Governor issued moratorium, because of DNA tests disapproved the death sentences of some death row inmates. Maryland conducted a study about the disparities in death penalty. Examine inmate/detainee population, true causes of imprisonment, bond; disparate treatment; official misconduct, brutality, frivolous cases (civil, criminal), improper complaint processing, procedures, proceedings; administrative, judicial levels. Thorough investigation, using the complaints/cases, testimonies of this candidate before officials, legislative committees, public hearings, the Office of Court Administration; varieties of issues, including legislative proposals, budgets, etc.; accumulative, never properly resolved. Shame: judicial branch asked lawmaker (Maryland General Assembly) to abolish the record- keeping or accounting.
Question #7:
Back to domestic issues. One pillar or goal of the Bush administration was to enact Social Security reform in the second term, but it has stalled because of claims there’s no problems with the program and privatization reforms are simply a way to enable Wall Street to profit. Do you think the Social Security program is fine as it is, or what changes would you advocate happening with the program?
Clean up government; lack of accountability, unreliable records, accounting, bookkeeping, records, files; improper complaint processing. Prosecute, eliminate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” with unjust deprivation of resources (public, private) by various unlawful, unethical, immoral acts, frauds, crimes; deprived of people’s salaries, benefits (fringe benefits, insurance benefits, retirement, pension, annual/sick leaves), insurance benefits, retirement, pension, annual/sick leaves), unjust manipulation, influence: improper records, bookkeeping; improper shuffling of processing employees’ earnings, benefits, calculation of social security benefits; unjust deprivation of resources (public, private) by various unlawful, unethical, immoral acts, frauds, crimes; unjust manipulation, influence: improper records, bookkeeping; improper shuffling of processing and employees’ earnings, benefits, calculation of social security benefits; unjust denial of benefits; damage/harm supposedly workers, retirees, elderly, beneficiaries, families, socials relations, endless damages/harm (physical, mental, bodily, financial), unjust manipulation and influence: medical services, insurance plans and coverage, rehabilitation services, etc. .The problems are not just in SSA agencies, but also related agencies, e.g., Maryland State Department of Education, Barbara Smith and Susan Page, employees or phony persons, falsification, false records, refuse to provide information, files for inspection, etc.
Clean up government. Support universal national health insurance (all, Medicare, Medicaid, prescription, uninsured, catastrophic); single payer (government); simple, effective, equal, quality, meaningful, merit, accountability, preventive, affordable, low premium, cost containment (goods, services, wholesale, professional review); public funded research should benefit taxpayers not to benefit a few; public education, consumer protection. Eliminate deceit, frauds, “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation, unjust practices.
Prosecute, eliminate abuse, misuse, frauds, crimes, victimize people, deprive resources, capability (public, private), fraudulent charges; unnecessary medical services, drugs, medication, equipments, surgeries, catheters, etc.
Question #8:
Some in Congress have raised the question of “pork” or excessive earmarks because our federal budget always runs in deficit and eliminating these earmarks would be a simple way to help balance the budget. But no Congressman or Senator wants to cut their district’s or state’s project. To balance the budget, would you consider sacrificing some of your district or state’s federally-funded projects or would you prefer measures to enhance federal revenues to meet the gap?
For issue of economy and federal deficit: Focus on principle, merit, fairness, cost-effectiveness; not for the best interest of the people. Redirect priorities, budget, focus. Improve productivities which increase government revenue. Eliminate: waste, abuse, nonsense projects, unnecessary expenditure, abandonment of land, properties, resources, “fraud-crime- networks”; less social problems, less government expenditures; public debt/ bond (burden of taxpayers and future generations; more time, resources for people, families, less traffic congestion; unjust abandonment/ destruction/ lease-out/ sale public land, buildings, schools (free or without fair compensation, even decades long leases); purchase/ lease-in/ construct land, facilities (at outrageous costs, many times market values); improper planning, misleading, deceit; improper reserve fund (not savings for potential capital investment, but by borrowing, public debt, bond); raising taxation, fees, bond/debts mainly to benefit a few; false excuses, unjust practices, manipulation, misleading, deceit, influence; abuse of power, litigation, legal costs; especially by legal/judicial personnel; “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”; false citations (issued by city manager, police, inspection; municipal, traffic, or phoney – refused to give identities or full names), improper/unjust legislative bills, proposals, appropriation, expenditures; ineffective/nonsense projects, programs (e.g., Greater Rockville Partnership, Rockville Housing Enterprise, Annual Night-Out, Rockville University, Citizen Police Academy, CALEA police accreditation, City Attorney Paul Glasgow, related law firms, “fraud- crime- injustice networks”); Rockville City Attorney Paul Glasgow: not salaried employee, highly paid contractor; conflict of interest, ethic rules (more serious than usual employees; county, state, federal); abuse of power, litigation, complaints, files, contracting (arbitrary criteria, selection); improper complaint processing, procedures, proceedings, legal services (disservice); improper land deals, abandonment of public land, resources, properties; improper procurement, not open bid (e.g., Rockville Town Center, goods, services; all stages; design, development, construction, etc.); abuse of public land, resources for private gains; benefit a few: reimburse private expenses; improper or no records, responses, files, pleadings on complaints/cases; resolution, remedies on complaints/requests; false citation, harassment, arrest, intimidation, conspiracies, cover-up numerous serious unlawful acts, fraud- crimes, frivolous cases/litigations, unjust influences, manipulation of televised camera; without proper public hearing; as part of “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation. STOP/ELIMINATE: OFFICIAL FRAUD, SCAM, UNJUST DEVELOPMENT PLAN, e.g., Rockville Town Center Plan (misuse/abuse of power, law, litigation, public resources); public fund $99+millions (upward, city, county, state, federal) mainly to benefit a few, “fraud- crime- injustice networks”, which in turn hurt people and society further; destroy families, communities, businesses, democracy, fair election process, peace; cause serious socio-political- election- media problems; worse than Florida election 2000, World Trade Center 9-11-2001 incidences, President George Bush’s wars, President Richard Nixon’s Watergate, financial/ accounting/legal disasters (e.g., Enron/ WorldCom/ Anderson). Reduce: the need for people to drive or get on the roads; traffic congestion, stress, accidents; the need to go to courthouses, administrative or judicial hearings/ trials; false citations (traffic, municipal infraction); abuses, unjust manipulation; taxation, fees, burden to residents; the need for more family members to work; need for multiple jobs for each person; need for cars; more trips; more stress, fatigue; abuse, waste; unjustified budget, appropriation; taxation, fees, public debt, people’s burden; improper processing of complaints, assignment of cases/hearing across all jurisdictions; unjust cancellation of hearings/ trials; unjust deprivation and rulings without affidavits, hearings, trials; need for appeals, further complaints. Provide mass transit services, bus schedules, (good, frequent, reliable); proper implementation of laws, and processing of complaints/ cases. See also other issue statements – interrelated.
Question #9:
Now to the question of trade. When I go to a store, many’s the time that I see a product is made in China - hence we run a large trade deficit with that nation. President Bush has advocated a hemisphere-wide free trade zone that would add Central and South American countries to the umbrella originally created by the NAFTA agreement a decade ago. Given these items, and knowing also that the number of manufacturing jobs in this country remains flat to slightly lower even in this era of steadily expanding employment, where do you stand - do you see free trading eventually shifting our economy to one mostly comprised of service and technology jobs, or do you feel we should take more steps to preserve our core manufacturing positions?
Major transaction or land deal, local- global, should be rigorously reviewed objectively by academically very well trained, based on merits, priorities, cost- effectiveness, social cost-benefits, etc., through competitive processes, general soliciting, fair market mechanism; not arranged by the developer or inner circle; should be openly discussed with residents, in official meetings, Mayor/Council/ public hearings; not misleading, concealing, unjust manipulation or influence; not rushed through as the consent agenda items as mall purchases of goods and services. Eliminate, prevent: abandonment of public resources, land, properties to benefit a few or “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” including developer, government attorneys, lawyers, law firms, etc.) at the expense of general public and future generations, including other jurisdictions, especially with grants and public debts from the state and federal; sold, leased out (secret hidden agenda, even huge acres, decades-long lease) with zero or no fair compensation, despite citizen’s objection; unnecessarily leased private properties for government use at very high costs even with short lease (a few years or shorter); with extra high costs to construct building, furnish expansive equipments; and when construction is done, lease expires, completed products abandoned or free to a few; often disguised by partnership, economic development, school, education, public safety, etc.; several rounds of unjust abandonment and purchase; misleading public roads, highways, when abandoned to private; unjust projects, appropriation; misuse, abuse, misappropriation; false road construction, maintenance; false records: land, roads, maps; unjust demolition of building even in good condition to initiate new construction, project, purchase, including library or school.
Question #10:
This question should present you with the shortest answer. Given that in 2008 either you will be seeking re-election to the House and hoping for some coattails at the top of the ticket, or preparing to work with a new President (for the Senators), if you had a short list of 3 to 5 names you’d like to see seek the job, who would they be? Please note that they do not have to be candidates who are considered to be running for the post at this time.
To have someone who will be willing, capable, and able to solve socio-political-election- media problems. Top 3 priorities: (1). Society is in vicious cycles, as in need of revolution, if we don’t act. First, prosecute, eliminate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”. Oppose: unjust practices, manipulation, influence; bad legislative proposals, hidden agenda with false excuses (economic development, housing, transportation, whatever) for private gain (officials, developers, lawyers, etc.); nonsense grants, programs, projects: facilitate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”=cruel tyranny= robbery machine; continuing, on-going, expanding, penetrating, threat, coercion, victimization, deprivation, discrimination; endless immoral-unlawful acts, rob/destruct resources (public, private; business, civic, political), frivolous litigation, levies, foreclosures; improper processing of complaints, proceedings, docketing; cause vicious cycles: socio- political- election-media; civil-human rights, people-slave. E.g., Problems (A): OPM, DOJ, IRS, SSA, FBI, law enforcement, National Park Service (Prettyman?), Library of congress (Neil Gladd), financial/brokerage/ accounting/ bill-payment processing/ collection agencies, insurance, car-dealers Lakeforest Oldsmobile; phone/utilities/cable, judges, legal/court personnel, detective/ process server/ impersonators or with phony names; Leslie Gradet, Tamera Jones, William D Roessler; offices of treasury, comptroller, attorney general: Joel Jacob/Jacobson, Gail Malle-Davis, Sylvia J. Brokos, Mary Hawse, Linda Tanton, Gerald Langbaum, John Barry, Pamela Porter, Leo F. Partridge, Mark Vulcan, Jamis Riley, James Britt, Audrey Thomas, Jeanne Lippy, Jesse Rosenburger, Ralph Lepson; transcribers Margaret Bauer, Senators: Walter Baker, Barbara Hoffman, Thomas Middleton, Trooper: Marty Sealey, Vincent Mass, State Election Board Ross Goldstein; Lobbysts/municipal attorneys/lawyers/affiliates, Paul Glasgow, David Venable, Joseph Stoltz, Jr., Barry Gordon, Stephen Perouka, David Steinberg, Wolpoff & Abramson, Richard D. Mirsky, Poppleton, Garrett & Polott, P.C., Marc Sliffman, Samuel White, DOEd Susan Page, Barbara Smith?, accountant Hilda K. Matijevic..more. (B): The problems are interrelated horizontally and vertically, among all issues, locak0 global. Montgomery County Circuit Court Loretta Knight, Bettie Skelton, District Court Clerk Jeffrey Ward, Administrstive Judge Cornelius Vaughey, Sheriff Elliot Tolbert, etc. government attorney John McCarthy, Kristen Bender are part of the “:fraud- crime- networks: with harassment, false arrest, imprisonment, false citation, false trespass, false testimony, withholding witnesses, etc. ( C). False frivolous levies, liens, garnishment, foreclosure, tenant-hold-over- eviction, etc. Thousands of cases are pending in the court systems for years or even decades; probably filed by “fraud- crime- networks” while continuing to victimize people; without proper services and proceedings; major causes of “homelessness” and poverty; not because of the problems of citizens, but because of unjust judicial/court/legal personnel, and court auditor Robert Romero as part of “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”. Judges include John Debelius, Durk Thumpson, Ann Harrington, Louise Scriver, Lawrence De Beard, etc. (D). Further example of violating Constitution or Bills of Rights (U. S. and State), police brutality or sheriff misconduct, attorneys and affiliated law firms and related “fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation are evidenced with official misconduct, e.g., District Court Judge Gary Everngam, Judge Gary Crawford, Sheriff Earnest Turner, other court personnel for improper processing of cases, including failing to docket, concealing of pleadings, falsification, denial of fair trial or jury trial demand, counter-claim, cross-claims, etc. (E). Problems of privatization, irresponsibility, disabilities of government attorneys and judicial/legal/court personnel. Problems are very serious, expanding, local- out of state- nationwide- global; exporting injustice everywhere, including overseas. In Rockville city, in Montgomery County, in State of Maryland, in New Jersey Monmouth County, Judge Robert McLeod, Judge Patricia Bueno Cleary (?).
(2). Restore: principle, fairness, cost-effectiveness, accountability, reliability, capability; fair election, justice, peace (including civic, non-profit organizations), “check and balance”; Restore: TRUE essence of democracy, fair election process; easy access to government, files, records, transcripts; not unjustly manipulated, influenced, misled by wrong person, information, or “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks” = serious causes of socio- political – election –media problems, which destroy people, families, society, peace, justice, democracy. Based on merits, justification; double standards, improper processing of complaints, procedures, proceedings; falsification, false records, tampering of evidence, data; harass, intimidate complainant, witnesses; false charges, citation, bond, imprisonment, disparities, improper treatments, etc., disguised by abuse of laws, power, authorities.
(3). .Promote quality, competition, people input (policies, issues, officials, judges); televise public hearings, citizen/candidate forum/debate; maintain, disseminate meaningful accurate information, records, capability, reasoning, good sense of justice, public interest.
I read this and I still don't understand it. All I know is that if I were paid by the comma I would be quite the wealthy guy about now. *shrug*
Anyway, I can promise you that tomorrow I'm doing Addie Eckardt's Ten Questions for her bid to retain her seat in the General Assembly and I don't recall seeing 1/5 of the commas when I printed her remarks. And I got a comment for Congressional candidate Jim Corwin asking me to resend TQ to him so I might get his answers back in time to post them before the primary.