Teenage angst: monoblogue turns thirteen
To the consternation of many, this website has survived another year.
Considering the frequency over the last year nearly matches that of the year before, it appears I have found my comfort level of posting that averages out as twice a week. It's likely the days of daily content are behind me given the circumstances in which I find myself: while the first three years of monoblogue were done with me having a full-time job, I also was single - so what else did I have to do besides blog? Now I have a great wife and take time out of my week for bowling (while that was an activity I did pre-marriage as well, it was easier to write with bowling on Friday nights as opposed to midweek) and small group at church to go with the full-time gig. Until recently there was also this book thing going on, too.
But when I look back at all the things I have done and written about, vast portions don't seem as important as they once were. The hot takes have gone cold, the newsmakers are making news elsewhere, and yesterday's political flavor du jour is today's ant heap of history. But there are posts that I still like to consider as a diary of sorts, and they're generally my photographic posts. An ongoing project I can hopefully get back to is that of salvaging as many posts as I can where the photos were lost thanks to the demise of the old Adobe photo service. Those who say the internet is forever, though, never followed the dead links to my Examiner pages where half my good stuff was placed. I think this is the year I'm going to try and set the record straight.
You know as well as I do that politics has been my site's bread and butter from the very beginning. But frankly I am just sick and tired of the whole thing and my growing distaste of social media isn't too far behind it. Sometimes I feel like I've given months or even years of my life to try and convince people who can't be convinced, just like leading horses to water and watching them turn up their noses. Call me jaded or accuse me of a lack of empathy, but I've stopped caring whether they die of thirst or not and I'm arriving at the point where I think I need a different and more productive obsession. Add to that the whole "fake news" phenomenon and the increasing difficulty of using social media to build an audience and maybe it is time to set that whole thing aside. (My website kept screeching that it can't properly connect to Facebook, so I bagged the connection. It's a sign.)
I suppose one thing I may get to in the next year is my 5,000th post. Had I stayed on my frenetic pre-2016 pace I would have likely blown by that mark around the middle of last year but at 100 or so posts a year it might be the middle of next year. And that's all right with me.
Perhaps it wasn't in the cards for me to be a world-famous writer who made his fortune with a simple blog of his questions, problems, thoughts, opinions, or comments (to paraphrase Mr. Geer, my freshman science teacher.) But it doesn't mean I can't try to make this the best blog I can, and one of those aspects is writing about things that interest me in such a fashion that I don't lose any sleep at night worrying.
In the more immediate future I have some final record reviews to write to finish the year and my Shorebird of the Week Hall of Fame has some new players - ones that can finish filling out a 40-man roster. I may not be as political but I still have some old standards to work on as I begin year number fourteen.