TEA Party film debuts tomorrow
I don't know if I have a cameo in this or not, but TEA Party: The Documentary Film makes its premiere tomorrow in Washington, D.C. With all of the videotaping going on during that historic day, the film certainly will be interesting. I can guarantee this because I saw a half-hour preview last week online as did about 5,000 others who took time of their mid-afternoon to do so.
But the documentary doesn't just contain footage from that Saturday as it follows several protagonists through their stories and recounts why they became involved.
Just on a local level it's clear that the TEA Party movement has borne fruit as hundreds of citizens are becoming more politically involved. I think it's great - the liberals and elites, not so much.
Here's a suggestion for the AFP or Wicomico County Republican Club folks - it might not be a bad idea to devote a meeting to a showing of the DVD (in looking this up the documentary runs about 105 minutes, so it would make for a short AFP meeting or a longish WCRC one) with a discussion afterward.
In 2009 most of us, except those in isolated pockets of the country like portions of New York and California, could only complain about the reach and scope of the federal government through TEA Parties. But in 2010 the rubber meets the road and everyone in America legally registered to vote will have an opportunity to have his or her voice heard. Yesterday was the time for complaint; today is the time for action.
Having this history of the movement can serve as a reminder of what happens when like-minded patriots band together, and it's worth repeating the message as often as necessary. The fight has just begun!