Tales from the voting booth
A quick update...
First, I can almost guarantee that I won't have the results from Salisbury's election first tonight because I have a job to do. It pays better than this site, although if the advertisers from another somewhat disgraced site wished to invest in mine this enterprise may make me more coin than my job.
Anyway, I voted today around 3:00. There were two items I found worth mentioning.
First, I asked about turnout at my polling place (Wicomico Presbyterian) and I was the 375th voter. If this is relatively accurate then I think turnout isn't going to be much greater than 15 to 17 percent, and that doesn't bode (no pun intended) well for the challengers. It's the faithful voters who showed up in the primary who are voting in this election, too - so the results will likely be similar. Had there been 500 voters at the precinct I believe the challengers had more of a chance. Let's hope I'm wrong on that one for Muir Boda's sake.
If it were up to people who read monoblogue and Two Sentz, though, Muir would be a shoo-in. Here's the results of our joint poll:
Muir Boda, 34 votes (38.2%)
Laura Mitchell, 22 votes (24.7%)
Terry Cohen, 14 votes (15.7%)
Orville Dryden, 13 votes (14.6%)
Tim Spies, 5 votes (5.6%)
Bruce Ford, 1 vote (1.1%)
Of course, I think the influence of having an ad for Muir Boda on my site and Laura Mitchell on Two Sentz just might influence the poll. If nothing else, I suppose that proves blog advertising works (see first paragraph above.)
Finally, I had a nice complement from the young lady who's running Laura Mitchell's campaign, or at least I presume she does. She thanked me for my fair coverage of the race, and not jumping into the rumor mill about Laura's living arrangement.
Now maybe there was something to the rumor, but since the protagonist seemed to backtrack from it I doubt it. And hers wasn't all that important of an issue, just like who Jim Ireton sleeps with was but a sidebar to the real issues surrounding the mayoral race two years ago. It hasn't affected his job performance, although I was pretty skeptical about that anyway.
So after tonight's count we will probably have an idea of who will be representing District 2 for the next 4 1/2 years, since the next time these seats will be contested will be the fall of 2015. Unless it's close enough to require an absentee count and we end up in a tie, I think the top three in the primary will prove to remain in those positions.
If so, beware - it's open season on landlords and other small businessmen in Salisbury.