Sunday evening reading 3
I receive an update from Townhall columnists daily, which becomes a big part of my personal reading. Now Townhall features a number of popular columnists who contribute on a regular basis like Ann Coulter, Charles Krauthammer, John Stossel, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, and Michelle Malkin - to name a few - but in this case I want to highlight some of their lesser-known writers who put together compelling material recently.
Let's start with their national political reporter, Jillian Bandes, who noticed the sharp drop in AARP membership because the perception is they're foursquare behind Obamacare.
Staying with that theme, writer Dan Gainor remarks that the peasants are revolting. As he opines, we've been through this before but perhaps this time there will be staying power.
Matt Towery claims to have seen this coming; to him Obama is Jimmy Carter all over again. Nevertheless, Wynton Hall writes about the mistakes Democrats continue to make (hint: it comes from their elitism.)
With the demise of "Cash for Clunkers" tomorrow, Paul Driessen wonders whether there aren't other clunker ideas which shouldn't be funded. Why give any more rent-seeking companies money for their schemes?
But author Frank Turek doesn't like the leadership Republicans are providing - to him neither party is blameless for our national situation. At least the Right is getting its act together on the internet, or so says writer Meredith Turney.
Jacob Sullum recalls that just two years ago we came thisclose to having free speech like that being expressed in the health care debate regulated by a Senate bill which fortunately died.
But the best is last, although I'd change the point slightly. While Bruce Bialosky asks what are the Blue Dogs thinking, I wonder what conservative voters were thinking by electing them. They're Democrats, for gosh sake!
Until next time, this ought to keep you occupied for awhile.