Spilling the beans
Editor's note: I actually wrote this on Saturday and debated putting it up for Mother's Day, but chose not to. So you get it a couple days after.
What seemed like a quiet week in the leadup to Mother's Day was suddenly roiled last Monday by the leak of a draft ruling revealing the Supreme Court was planning on repealing its badly considered Roe v. Wade decision from 49 years ago. Obviously the mainstream media, which should be focusing on who had the audacity to violate the Court's trust and prematurely release what is obviously a controversial decision, is now fanning the flames of protest as aggreived supporters of abortion scream about "muh rIGht to PriVaCy!"
It's become apparent that some radical spilled the beans in a desperate attempt to head off the decision, probably hoping that what appeared to be a 5-4 ruling would be nullified by a "change of heart" by one of the nine jurists. The early money was on a clerk in Sonia Sotomayor's office, but I heard an interesting theory the other day that it was someone connected to recently-appointed justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is likely in the process of being brought up to speed regarding the Court's procedures.
(I say 5-4 because, despite the so-called 6-3 "conservative" lean of the Court, the draft decision was not written by John Roberts. Usually the Chief Justice writes the majority opinion.)
Regardless of who decided to breach the Court's trust, that person has stirred up a tempest comparable to the January 6 aftermath, leading many to fear for the safety of the conservative justices - who are now the subject of protests at their homes - and a call to release the decision as is.
I think that's the way they should go, for several reasons. First of all, I do not put it past the deep state Left to attempt to assassinate one of the majority of five, which would set up a 4-4 tie, thus affirming the Fifth Circuit's ruling that the Mississippi law this case is deciding is unconstitutional (and by extension that Roe v. Wade is constitutional.) Or, if it were learned that Roberts allowed Alito to write the majority opinion that he would join in, that would perhaps lead to the "solution" of putting KBJ - who has already been confirmed to replace Stephen Breyer - in to replace this hypothetical slain SCOTUS jurist to rule on the case she hadn't heard because "abortion on demand must be saved!" (It sounds crazy, but I'll bet I'm not the only one who has already thought about this.)
Needless to say, the usual caterwauling about court packing and breaking the filibuster to codify baby murder into federal law started almost immediately - almost as if someone was tipped off about what was going down so they could get that Astroturf opposition underway.
To me, though, overturning Roe v. Wade places the question where it belongs: at the state level. Unless they quickly traveled from somewhere out west or the Bible Belt South, it's highly likely those aggrieved women who were already protesting at the Supreme Court last week will still have their cherished "right" to murder babies in the womb because their states (including both Delaware, passed in 2017, and Maryland, which rejected an effort to repeal a 1991 law expanding access to abortions in 1992) have short-sightedly dictated it be so. Not only that, there are certain entities who are already lining up to pay for women to travel to states that allow abortion to do so. (As an example, those who hail Elon Musk as a hero for purchasing Twitter may not like his company's promise to do this.)
I will grant I didn't always feel this way. If I lived in Maryland back in 1992 I probably would have been fine with rejecting the repeal proposal because back then I believed the lies the pro-choice side regularly puts out, particularly the bits about "unviable fetal mass" and "clump of cells." It took a little bit of thought and realization that life had to begin somewhere, and there was a reason people have baby showers and gender reveal parties besides being a way to score free stuff off of other people: there was a life which had been created and the parents were eagerly anticipating it. And despite the fact I became more libertarian as I grew older, I departed from their orthodoxy that the right to choice of the mother trumps the right to life of the child, regardless of whether it could survive outside the womb or not. (Hence, I'm much more likely to support a pro-life Libertarian candidate than a pro-abortion one. That's a party with a robust debate on the subject.)
As for the tired argument that pro-abortionists make about bringing a child into a poor family or abusive situation, or bringing a severely handicapped child into the world, I would counter that there is always someone out there who can give the child the proper care and loving home it deserves. There's a reason states have safe haven laws. Moreover, the argument is always paired up with the charge that those who are against abortion on demand also don't support government-paid health care, child care, and so forth. Your point? Those are the type of laws that should also be decided at a state or even local level - of course, the problem there is that states and localities don't print money and have to balance their budgets - thus, they demand Uncle Sugar in D.C. pick up the tab.
I know I have people who disagree with me on this question, but the bottom line is: if their mother had made the "choice" to abort them, they probably wouldn't be here to bitch about it. So they should thank God that their mom did not, and do what they can to make sure other babies have that same opportunity. We now see over the last 49 years what the false vow of "safe, legal, and rare" has led to.