Smearing those in the right
Generally campus doings at George Washington University are genteel and just draw interest from students and friends of the university. But a flyer described as a "parody" by those who finally admitted to it caused a nationwide stir and drew attention to yet another example of a group of "progressives" doing so well that which they accuse us on the conservative side of doing, smearing a group for political edge.
The flyer was the answer by a group of anti-war students to the upcoming Islamofascism Awareness Week, sponsored by the Terrorism Awareness Project. GWU is one of 200 or so college campuses where conservative groups (in this case, the Young America's Foundation) will make efforts to alert students about the threat we face from radical Islamists.
Somewhere along the line I thought college campuses were supposed to be places where free thought was encouraged. I'm sure that the George Washington campus has some sort of Islamic student association who regularly gets out the message they wish to portray about their religion. On the other hand, it's not arguable that those who carried out the 9/11 attacks and other terrorist activities before and since belonged to the Islamic faith.
In this case, it's how Islamic groups carry out their religion that's at issue here. Carrying that to a logical conclusion, it's plausible that the Islamic students at GWU are representative of the, say, 98% of Muslims who have little or no problem with America but the Terrorism Awareness Project wants us to be vigilant about other 2 percent, the ones who aim to either convert us or kill us.
But the seven anti-war students insulted two different populations in their attempt at humor. They achieved this twofer by first invoking the tired old stereotype of conservatives as anti-Arab racists and doing it in such a way to remind people of the old portrayals of blacks as "Aunt Jemima" types. But most of all, they did this in a manner that just wasn't funny. It just goes to show that the left wing is all about diversity in every way except diversity of thought. They certainly aren't doing so hot in the area of political humor, either.
Speaking of smears, was what Senator Harry Reid stated yesterday on the Senate floor anything short of incredibly boorish? He made it sound like the letter he penned to Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays regarding Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldier" comment and the E-Bay auction that followed (netting over $4 million for the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation since Rush matched the winning bid) was a great masterstroke on his part, and that he and Mays were in on the whole thing. It was truly a groundbreaking event; not just because of the amount of the bid, but in proving that politicians will try to slide anything that they say to their advantage, no matter how bad it makes them look.