She already has the domain name...
It never hurts to be prepared, and a story on Sunday noted that supporters of Hillary Clinton have already called dibs on the web address. On June 8th, the day after throwing in the towel and conceding the Democrat nomination to Barack Obama, The Markham Group purchased the HRC2012 domain name.
However, before the conspiracy theorists pontificate on how Hillary will sabotage Obama's campaign, it's worth noting that Her Royal Thighness will have a choice of races to pursue four years hence because her Senate term also expires that year. She could opt for a third term there if Barack Obama is elected in 2008 or throw her hat back into the ring as a formidible Presidential candidate in what could be an open race if John McCain opts to be a one-term President.
Obviously there's a core group of Democrats who truly believe in Hillary because they're already thinking this far ahead. Of course, Hillary has plenty on her plate in the here and now, in particular erasing a campaign debt of over $20 million. Part of her issue is getting 2008 donors to allow the transfer of their contributions to the next cycle, otherwise she'll need to refund the money and this would place her even deeper in the hole. (I'd hate to see her campaign's credit report.)
And you do have to wonder if this was her last, best chance at the nomination. Given that her husband will have been last elected four cycles back once 2012 rolls around and the fact that the last two nominees weren't part of a prior field (Obama didn't run in 2004 nor did John Kerry in 2000) the ascension of Barack Obama to the top of the heap may be a signal for Generation X to take the baton of the Democratic Party from the still-grasping fingers of the Baby Boomers. (Of course, like anything else in life, those Boomers just don't want to let go!)
So I suppose you can take this website domain purchase for what its worth, which at this early, early, predawn moment of the 2012 campaign is simply grist for the mill. Perhaps Hillary is going to be the heir apparent to Ted Kennedy - failed Presidential candidate but beloved Senator by most of his peers.