Sharing "In Honor"
As most of you read yesterday, I was host for Carnival of Maryland 17. I had just one submission that I did not include, for two reasons. First of all, the website where it came from is actually out of Pennsylvania, and while the Maryland Bloggers Alliance does have an "expat" member who lives just across the state line and we have included an out-of-state post in our Carnival from time to time, I thought that it wouldn't be appropriate.
But more importantly, after reading the post and the cause it represents, I decided that this deserved a standalone post rather than just a few lines in my carnival. While I heartily disagree with a lot of what's said on the Comments From Left Field website the cause is a good one, and after a great start the total's been stuck at just under $6,000 of a $10,000 goal. True, the original benchmark of $2,000 was long passed but there's no reason to stop now - to that end the Gray/Mora donations can be made here. If you're not familiar with Fisher House, their site is here. Even a few dollars from each of my new crop of daily readers puts them over the top before their self-induced goal date of Wednesday.