Seven reasons to vote for McCain
One of my fellow dittohead bloggers is the "ultimate blogging machine", Bob McCarty. He has a humorous take on an Obama supporter's blog post with what the original blogger termed seven reasons to vote for Barack Obama. Those seven reasons in original order are:
The Obama campaign has spent significantly more on staff salaries than John McCain's.
Because of point number 1 above, McCain's "ground game" is seriously lacking.
Obama has made his a 50 state campaign.
The opportunity to make Democrats a "true governing majority."
Campaigning in traditionally "red" states will make Obama a more effective leader.
A situation like 2008 doesn't come along too often.
The time is now for a change of leadership that can last a generation.
Like Bob says about the last point, that's a scary thought.
I pointed this out about a month ago, but several of the original blogger's (David Mauro and a site called Burnt Orange Report) reasons are based on the fact that Barack Obama decided not to accept public financing of his campaign. It also allowed me to argue that this election will really come down to a handful of states, and if Obama campaigns in states like Utah (where McCain should win handily) or here in Maryland that's probably a waste of his resources, or, in our case, a sign that Obama is desperate. Back when Hillary Clinton was the presumptive nominee, it was noted by one of the speakers at our state GOP convention that if Hillary was campaigning in Maryland after Labor Day, it was a sign of trouble. The same goes for Obama.
With the caveat that we're still three months away from the election (and with both candidates probably getting a polling bump from their convention, Obama moreso than McCain), the fact that polling is essentially even nationwide shows that a lot of people still have doubts about the "messiah" Obama. To hear the drive-by media talk about the campaign, Obama is being treated as if he's up by 30 points. Maybe in Prince George's County Obama is (in truth, the margin there is probably more like 60 points), but there's a lot of folks still smarting about Hillary Clinton not getting the Democrat nomination and who just don't trust the neophyte Obama.
While millions of people look at this election as yet another "lesser of two evils" one, the Obama campaign approach of vowing change while painting McCain as a third term of President Bush had some appeal, but Obama's stances on particular issues have wasted the advantage he built up with this approach. Neither Mauro or McCarty looked at the most important reasons to vote for McCain: a better approach to energy independence and a vastly superior foreign policy. While McCain was far from my first choice, the more we find out about the alternative, the less palatable Barack Obama becomes.