Senate candidates in person or on video (or online)
The two leading Republican candidates for U.S. Senate are making their play for votes in various ways.
If you want to see one up close and in person, you may simply attend the Republican Women of Wicomico's Membership Lunch this Wednesday at noon at Brew River Restaurant, when Richard Douglas will be their featured speaker. Perhaps he'll talk about the Israeli situation, where Douglas blasted the incumbent Senator for discussing postal closures and not making any statement on Iran in nearly six months. Or Douglas may tout his latest endorsement from Baltimore County Delegate Bill Frank, who called Douglas "the right candidate at the right time." Certainly he'll update those attending on his campaign to date.
The cost is $12, and reservations are available from Brew River. But call tomorrow (Tuesday) to assure a place.
Right now you can sit in the comfort of your easy chair - or wherever you access this site - and see a 90-second video put together on Dan Bongino's behalf.
Interestingly enough, I saw my first Bongino yard sign today locally so the word is beginning to get out on him. "Government is not the answer. We are the answer." It's a good message. And who knows, perhaps I can get that video to 1,000 views by placing it here.
We have two good candidates for Senate who have a reasonable shot. That's not to dismiss the other eight who are running, as all of them who I've met seem to be men of character and honor. But the realist in me sees this as now a two-man race for a number of reasons, particularly money and visibility.
Consider these social media facts. If you take the footprint of their respective websites based on Alexa ratings and the reach of their Facebook and Twitter pages, this is what you would find among the U.S. Senate candidates. Granted, Alexa is sort of a weak indicator of readership but it's a decent indicator of relative popularity between sites - I would be confident that a site with a rating of 3 million is more widely read than one at 7 million.
Alexa ranking (lower is better):
Dan Bongino - 2,652,827
Ben Cardin - 3,543,017
Richard Douglas - 3,609,731
David Jones - 6,604,886
Robert Broadus - 7,137,723
William Capps - 8,325,982
John Kimble - 10,628,905
Brian Vaeth - 11,095,766
Rick Hoover - 11,786,645
Corrogan Vaughn - no data (I think his site is new at the address.)
Not every candidate has a Facebook or Twitter page devoted to their campaign, but for those who do here are likes and follows, respectively:
Ben Cardin - 3,500
Dan Bongino - 1,680
Corrogan Vaughn - 157
Rich Douglas - 81
Brian Vaeth - 25
Robert Broadus - 17
Rick Hoover - 4
Dan Bongino - 1,317
David Jones - 819
Corrogan Vaughn - 149
Rich Douglas - 108
Rick Hoover -27
(Apparently, Ben Cardin's campaign isn't on Twitter.)
It's fairly evident that Bongino has a good lead in the social networking area, but that doesn't always translate into votes. I was told that Bob Ehrlich had more Facebook followers than Martin O'Malley did and we see how that turned out.
And if you compare these numbers to a well-read website like Red Maryland, which perhaps has the best social media presence of any statewide political website, you'll see all of them fall short on at least one count: Alexa for RM is 859,533 and they have 616 Facebook followers along with 761 on Twitter. Of course, a blog has far longer to build an audience so the Alexa should be expected; on the other hand, creating buzz should work in the favor of the campaigns yet only a few do better than the website.
But regardless of who wins this race on April 3rd, we need to close ranks behind them so that Ben Cardin is retired from public life come next January.