Seeking the Truth
There are some people who gauge success by how many social media friends they have, and by that token I guess I'm not that successful. Between Facebook and Twitter I have about 2,000 friends/followers and that's far less than some other people I know (from social media, of course.) Furthermore, many years ago I began a page on Facebook devoted to this site but it really never took off and the last time I updated it was several months ago - at one time, my website was supposed to automatically update that Facebook page every time I posted, but "set it and forget it" stopped working and I usually forget it, although since that little universe of 100 or so followers is mainly among my friends anyway it really makes no difference.
However, it would be nice to have some sort of payoff for all the work I put into my writing - not as in expecting it to pay my bills, but at least spread the word a little more. To that end, I've been considering other ways of putting my name out, whether by purchasing Facebook ads (which I've tried in the past, but weren't all that successful) or exploring alternatives like Gab or Parler, where I also have accounts. But the market I thought would be most successful was Truth Social; however, I don't have an iPhone as that was the way to get their app.
Lo and behold, though, the other day I saw where Truth Social was now available for PCs and laptops so guess where I am now? Yes, @monoblogue.
I began by following some of the suggested people they had, and I like how they made it easy to post, so I shared the last post I did here as well as my last post at The Patriot Post to break the ice. We'll see if Truth Social is the answer to the social media question, so if you're already there give me a follow.
This was a quick post because the next one this weekend will discuss a current event.